Not sure but seeing on some exchanges and sites 2 version of TPAY: Trollplay and TrollPay....The correct name is Trollpay right? Just wondering this might cause some confusion.
Is there a name change being considered, if so a community vote would be awesome.
Also wondering would it be better to have this full POS instead of having POW with .1 TPAY as a reward, it won't be profitable for mining. POS is profitable without wasting electricity and hardware.
Just one more thing I'd like to ask, is there anyway we will be able to share movies/tv shows? I think that would help with the content, I got loads and loads of content I watched and still storing on my hard drives.
With regards to steaming movies/tv shows, I'd suggest maybe using openload. Generate some revenue from views to support the website and help grow, it does have a few annoying pop ups when playing the video but after it starts playing it's smooth sailing. I've used them and their great, fast, reliable and stuff doesn't get taken down.
Glad you stopped in, May I ask what exchange has TrollPay still? The coin initially started as trollpay but changed to TrollPlay. (this was just an initial change so that people wouldn't come in asking how much I was going to pay people to troll.) The Circle with the lil peace dude has been the logo from the get go so unless it has that pic its not mine.
Yes the name change will be a community decision. We have a few names that have been tossed around pages back but I have yet to put a Poll up (I don't want a BTC poll as people tend to just click something to see the result since its first thing on each page of the thread). The ticker will stay the same. I havent decided on when to make that move as of yet though. It's a toughie from my perspective just because i have been collecting data & statistics since the site first started. But it is coming.
I left the .1 reward because a lot of POS coins have dead zones where no blocks are moving at all. Sometimes this can be days. And we all know what its like to wait for a confirm. By leaving the .1 reward anyone can push there confirms with low hash cpu mining if there in a dead zone.
Honestly I have contemplated adding the ability for users to submit movies. And that is still up in the air. The site actually has a built in movie upload / link submission but I have it currently disabled. I know that this is not an answer but I have been thinking about it but still unsure.
I will have to check them out. That may be a good route to take when the movies splits off into its own independent site.
Hope I answered stuff. If I missed things sorry about that. Wife will not stop texting me so im all over the place.