But can you post the link maybe that shows the total supply of coins in real time or send me via pm?
Because i also want to send a request and without the link coinmarketcap will dont add us.
Total Live supply can be found below. (total Money supply is updated every 5 seconds from TPAY daemon getinfo)
Thank you.
I made a request for coinmarketcap
But i have 2 questions
1. The total supply is showing now 7.324.061 Coins in total? But in the first post it is saying that the total supply is 10 million? 8 million after pow and 2 million "premine"?
Or are the 2 million "premine" not in the total number of coins?
2. Where did i find this url that is needed for the ranking on coinmarketcap?
"Please provide a URL that shows the publicly available supply of coins in real time. These are coins that are not held by the creators or private investors. ***Required for market cap ranking*** "
BLOCK 1 = 2000000
BLOCKS 2 & 3 = .1 TPAY
BLOCKS 4 - 10004 = 200 TPAY
BLOCKS 10005 - 20004 = 100 TPAY
BLOCKS 20005 - 40004 = 50 TPAY
BLOCKS 40005 - 50004 = 100 TPAY
BLOCKS 50005 - 70004 = 50 TPAY
BLOCKS 70005 - 80004 = 200 TPAY
BLOCKS 80005 - TBD = .1 TPAY
POS took up some of the POW blocks which reduced the overall total supply when it hit block 80004. (there was 10mil in PoW blocks but pos blocks took up PoW blocks)
This happens in limited POW block coins that pos starts before POW ends. Its common.
Premine was 2 million. after Faucet/giveaways, Handouts, Rewards & tpay payment for all network resources needed for the next few years there is around
1,154,000 premine left.
There is no quick url to show supply without premine except to extract the current total supply then subtract the premine from it. (exact premine left after faucets, giveaways, rewards, Freebies & network contract is 1159415.49668 TPAY)
I am sorry but I am doing enough to not worry about coinmarketcap ranking. I have submitted everything they need including the premine and its current amount.
There are countless dev's that would jump at the chance to spend all day worrying about coinmarketcap but I am not. I will do whatever u need to have done to continue to submit
until they get annoyed with seeing TPAY submissions (as I have sent 2 and you 1 so thats 3).
But Honestly coinmarketcap is a great place but it's nothing that means anything to myself and should mean nothing to any holders. CoinMarketCap is actually quite talked about as it is manipulated by sites like yobit that allow 1 person to increase volume by buying and selling to himself therefor increasing there market cap)
All of the answers that pertain to the current Total Supply and Premine can be found within this thread. I have not hidden anything. Also I left the OP as it was when created and not reflected the end supply.
It's up to people here, I can quit focusing on bringing in users and coding my apps and focus on creating an auto premine subtraction from total supply for a live count on supply-premine for coinmarketcap or I can continue to develop the site and apps. It's up to everyone.