Hi all!
This coin seems to have a great opportunity in succeeding as well as Bitcoin. A large part of this is dependent on the Airdrop which has to reach all/most of the population of Iceland, which remains to be seen. I do not see how this could not be possible as long as the pre-mined coins are distributed as told. But for this to happen the coin need strong support from it's miners for the time being. There are some who are eager to make a quick buck with selling their Auroracoins before the launch at a pretty low price compared to Bitcoin. This will force the value of the coin down, just like all the other coins out there. Why not instead demand a high price of the coin which would benefit more then just one person? This will also force people to mine the coin and build a foundation for this currency. That being said I fell everyone participating in mining some Auroracoins still has the opportunity to get coins compared to Bitcoin which is out of reach for the most of us.
I guess the reason for creating the Auroracoin is to give the banksters a run for their money. This can only be achieved if the coin gains a significant value from the start. If the coin gets a high value from start it will gain significant publicity, which in turn will result in that the community of Iceland will probably accept it as a payment method. It seems as a "win-win" situation for all of the people using the coin. Others have also suggested using a crypto-currency for Iceland(
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CCpj_myGOs). Auroracoin could be a "first of an kind".
A nice thought but even 100aura to 1BTC is extremely generous, imagine hypothetically speaking that 1AUR will be worth 1BTC; everyone in Iceland will be given 30ish coins instantly valued at 30 BTC, the first thing they'll do is go straight to exchange and sell for some much needed IRL monies, even 0.3BTC for nothing is still very generous imo considering that the population of an entire country is about to be given $250ish each.
I think the coin has been poorly developed based on the fact that it is taking 24 hours to get confirmations, this creates a slightly inhospitable environment for miners. Additionally the community of this coin is extremely small and appears to be uncaring of its 'purpose', this however is not down to the community itself but to the developers which have done nothing to promote or encourage such a culture- all about removing the Icelandic from the chains of banks.
The developer released the coin without pools, without wallets, without exchange and without any plans/word of how he intends to achieve his vision, just "wait for the 25th March guys in the mean time i'll let you develop the infrastructure for me whilst I stay anonymous." He's operating completely from the shadows on a coin with 50% premine, very suspicious.
I somewhat agree with you on you're arguments and you brought some good points to the conversation, but then there is always two sides to the coin.
Yes, at the time being, compared to the other coins 100 AUR for 1 BTC is very generous. In regards to if 1 AUR would reach 1 BTC will remain to be seen. But I would rather see this wealth be distributed fairly among all those people then seeing how it is with Bitcoin.
I believe they are in need of help with development of this cause, that's probably why things are moving so slow.
With you're last argument I'll agree completely. This is completely dependent of the premine and that the coins are distributed as said. I would suggest the developer to step into publicity in some way, without that this will be just another shitcoin.