No i dont understand
1>Staking are done automatically
2> how to lock my wallet
Staking has exactly the same rules as PoW (mining) ...
If you stake (ie - Mine) a block, it has to be inserted into the BlockChain, and then that block has to be confirmed by all the other wallets, and miners on the chain. If someone else (say Miss B) has solved the SAME block AND inserts her hash/solved block before yours, then Miss B's block will be accepted into the chain, and not yours, therefore 'orphaning' your block.
These orphan blocks are common and are not usually accepted into the BlockChain, so they will show in your wallet as 'unconfirmed' or 'orphaned' blocks, and will remain that way for ever. This means that the stake/mine of that block was wasted, but not the coin age or coin 'time' that made the block happen, so your wallet will continue to stake and submit the blocks it solves, until you 'beat' another staker to the BlockChain with your block inserted before say Miss B's block, which orphans her block instead and yours accepted into the BlockChain.
Locking the wallet means you need to 'encrypt' the wallet first, by setting a password for your wallet. This password is VERY important, and needs to be something strong, but also something you can remember. If you lose this password, the chances are you will lose ALL coins in the wallet also. Correspondingly, if you use a weak wallet password and (especially in Windows) you get hacked, then it will be easy for the hacker to break that password and steal all your coins. So it is a double edged sword, but it is preferred to have a VERY strong password so that no one can steal your coins, than have a weak one.
The backup of this is to dump your private key, so that even in the even of you losing your wallet and password, then you can still get to your coins via your private key and wallet address. That is a little more complicated, but also a good way to have a backup. When you have learned a little more about the wallet, and passwording (ie - encrypting/locking) your wallet, then saving your private keys should be the next step.
Makes a little more sense now? Or are you still confused?
Take one step at a time and LEARN, not just follow instructions and forget, like millions of others that lose their coins because of this silly practice. Learn what you are doing and you will benefit greatly from it.