(As soon as you respond to this thread, buy support quietly increase
If u can find a way to implement some kind of anonymous feature in this coin, that would be great and probably make the coin fly
11 days left 15 millions pow coins !!!
Yes, sorry.. first you have a holiday... then you have to go to work and do all the work you would have done when you were on holiday, so it feels like you need another holiday. Just about caught up now though, so will be updating more often.
Regarding Anon Feature, we'll defiantly look into it, but no promises at this stage.
15 million left? That aint right, right?
30sec blocktime.... 124coins a block....
248coins a minute x 60 = 14,880 bits per hour
14,880 x 24 = 357,120 bits per day
357,120x 7 = 2,499,840 bits a week
2,499,840 x 6 (POW period) = 14,999,040 bits at the end of POW period...
Is this right?