So it may be, that my virtual environment is a bit too slow and doesnt get updated fast enough? That may be, as i observed slight lags in handling it, when all six wallets are running.
Forget about the below. I just leave it in, for the case anyone else has same problems.
I solved that with a clue BlueDragon gave a few posts ago. I added
to my runmmp commandline and then it worked. Getting the following output now
Over night, i downloaded the six blockchains and now tried to start mmp with 5 rpc calls. I now get following error when starting mmp:
File "/home/osboxes/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/twisted/internet/", line 426, in _continueFiring
callable(*args, **kwargs)
File "/home/osboxes/Desktop/eloipool_Blakecoin/", line 417, in main
raise ValueError('the merkle size must be at least as large as the number of aux chains')
exceptions.ValueError: the merkle size must be at least as large as the number of aux chains
The logfile says merkle size = 3.
I made a little file, that calls getinfo of all six wallets and write it into a logfile. On two of these chains (UMO & BBTC) i am not sure if they are up to date. The blockheight of my getinfo is bigger as on the block explorers (the explorer just dont seem to be up to date, UMO isnt working at all, BBTC just runs until January 3th). Second thing is that at UMO's and BBTC's getinfo output i get
while all the others are 0.
The error itself occurs if i add ELT, BBTC or UMO (tried to add them one by one).
This is the whole
python /home/osboxes/Desktop/eloipool_Blakecoin/ -w 8330 -p http://ssecreteloipool:222@localhost:8337/ \
-x http://phousername:phopassword@localhost:9377/ \
-x http://litusername:litpassword@localhost:9378/ \
-x http://umousername:umopassword@localhost:9379/ \
-x http://bbtcusername:bbtcpassword@localhost:9380/ \
-x http://eltusername:eltpassword@localhost:9381/ -l ./Logs/mmp_log.txt >/dev/null &
RPC-Ports and user:pass are ok. If i add them all 6, mmp-log says merkle size = 3. If i add only one (of the three non-working) it says merkle size = 2.