I'd also like to address the blog/website section rules, these were the rules:
1. Must mention our website URL
2. Must have custom content of at least 400 words, you may include any of our logos as you wish
3. Needs to be good quality, we will take off points if it feels rushed to us
4. Must be in English, otherwise we expected a decent amount of traffic if it's in another language.
5. A maximum of 2 posts a week are eligible for points.
6. The maximum number of tokens in this section is capped to (points / 2) * 350, meaning if you have a total of 300 points then you're eligible to a maximum of 52500 tokens. Actual number of tokens you receive varies by the amount of interest (more interest is less tokens, less interest is more tokens).
Pay attention to rule 6 - some people think we suspiciously added that, however this is not the case and that rule has been there since forever. You can confirm this using a Google Cached Page.
Please also note that we'll be sending out bounty tokens after the weekend so we can batch them up and correct any mistakes we may spot. If you PM'd us and we don't confirm you in 24 hours, please PM again. We're getting lots of PMs so there's a chance we may miss it.