1. You are not considering paying for the facebooks reposts? at least that option is not in the form to report 2 times a week.
2. When can we see an updated spreadsheet? so we need to know fow we are doing.
3. In the form to report twice a week, there is no option to insert the links to our posts we created, the means you will check them on your side? if so what's the purpose to require from us report twice a week? Aslo why you want us to insert our wallet, Facebook link again and again all the time twice a week? why not make a better useful and simple form to report? your form to report is too complicated, please make a simple one, too much time wasted filling your form two times a week!
redundant fields like this and other from your form
Which Social Media Platform Did you hear about our bounty campaign?
Each time I see your form to fill it makes me think to abandon this campaign! because it takes way more time filling that form that the time i need posting on facebook, make things practical and easy to use, please!
Hey USBitcoinservices,
First of all, you have been amazing thus far, Thank you so much!. All of your repost and likes have not gone un-noticed, we're grateful. We have updated the facebook form to include a share/repost. The spreadsheets has been on page one of this Bounty page for 2 weeks now, please check it there. The reason for the field like "where did you hear about this from", will allow us to notice other forums where partcipation in our bounty is strong.
What would you like us to do to make this process much easier for you? We are ready to pamper you -Tell us here. And PM us a postal address so we can send you some Comfortable Tio T-shirt, which will allow you to participate in the other parts of this bounty campaign.
It will be easier for us to report here on this BCTalk thread once a week!!
The update you did on your report form it got even more complicated now. Because if someone want to report a shared post on Facebook that person need to fill once that form just for that activity. then fill another time the same form to report other activities. You don't get it!
Easier will be to report here once a week! given a check point Monday to Sunday?
Or we can have the option to report here or using your form either way. I so I will prefer to report here, easier, less complicated, wasting less time than reporting with your form.