Do I get this right? You want to lock up 250 coins per block? This coin started as "not-premined" and "no-dev tax". A just a few weeks later you want to change that because you did not get rich yet?
I am going to dump my coins as soon as possible and tell everyone I once told to invest in BitCoinZ to do the same.
I vote +1 for renaming in GreedyVultureCoin. R.I.P. BitcoinZ.
To can explain how it works, there is 1440 minutes in a day. The block time is 2.5 minutes. (BitcoinZ tries to make the blocktime 2.5 minutes by adjusting the difficulty).
So we can take the number 1440 and divide it by 2.5 and we get 576 blocks a day.
So now we take 576 blocks and times it by the 250 coins out of 6250 coins in a reward. 250 coins for every block mined. So 576 * 250 = 144,000 coins.
250 coins a block in bitcoin is 0.0002 bitcoins a block or in dollars = 1.34 dollars (calculating at bitcoin price of 6700$).
so now we can times 1.34$ dollars a block by 576 to get the daily amount. (24 hours). which would be 576 * 1.34 = 771.84$ a day
Now this 771.84$ a day does not go to the developers either. It goes into a community chest. A community chest is something that anyone can propose to use and it can be voted on and the funds will be released to that person or group of people, or project, or cost, or bill.
For example if 'Dan' wanted to make a website about BitcoinZ and make a video or something for the community. You can make a proposal and ask for 500$ to do it. And everyone that wants to vote will vote, and if its approved, you will receive 500$ from the chest.
It does not pay developers. Its made so that money is available to help the progress of BitcoinZ.
There is 0$ allocated to developers. The only thing a developer can do is make a proposal and say what they are making, and receive funding by people voting.
I don't know of another crypto currency that does this. I think its wonderful and will really help with the progress of BitcoinZ. I know some crypto have foundations and what not but this is a decentralized way to allow people to create for BitcoinZ and not be restricted by money.
There are 6 key holders, some are developers and some are not developers, some are pool operators and some are journalists and crypto miners.
So we have a good group of people to make sure that there is no misappropriation of funds.