Hello !
The situation is this: our 3 pools aren't working at this moment:
#1 -
http://btl.crypto-coinz.com/ : the owner has some medical conditions; when he will return, he will update the pool
#2 -
http://thepool.pw/btl : they announced already about this:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.6958431#3 -
http://btl.coinsprofit.com/ : tried to contact the owner of the pool, but it is not responding... the pool it is located in Ukraine...
We contacted others pool owners to accept BitLeu, but we didn't received any answer yet. Here is the list of the contacted pools:
As last resort we urge you to mine solo, until we solve the problem of the working pools.
Here is a
simple guide to solo mining:
Steps 1-3 :Downloading and Extracting Necessary files. (
you can skip it if you have already all installed)
Steps 4-5 :Launch BitLeu.exe and Sync.
Steps 6-7:Create a Shortcut to BitLeu.exe and Add
- server command to target.
Steps 8-11:Locate Roaming folder for BitLeu and created a .conf file.
Steps 12-14:Create a .Bat File for YACminer for Launching from.
Steps 16-17:Launching and Successful Mining information.
step1 download the minerGPU Miner for AMD download link (courtesy of Thirtybird)
https://github.com/Thirtybird/YACMiner , starttime is 1394480376
Windows Binaries:
https://github.com/Thirtybird/YACMiner/releasesGPU Miner for AMD thread & settings:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/ann-yacminer-amd-gpu-miner-for-scrypt-chacha-n-scrypt-and-scrypt-coins-475569GPU Miner for Nvidia download link (courtesy of Christian Buchner):
https://github.com/cbuchner1/CudaMinerGPU Miner for Nvidia thread including links for Windows compiled versions:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/ann-cudaminer-ccminer-cuda-based-mining-applications-windowslinuxmacosx-167229step2 download the BitLeu clientWindows Wallet: https://github.com/testzcrypto/bitleu/releases/tag/1.1.2
Mac Wallet:
https://github.com/testzcrypto/bitleu/releases/tag/1.1.2step3 Extract Both BitLeu and YacMiner to a Location that suites you.
step4 Launch BitLeu.exe from the extracted files on BitLeu.
step5 Wait a few minutes for BitLeu to sync with the nodes - green tick will appear when complete. Then Close BitLeu.
step6 right click BitLeu.exe and create a shortcut.
step7 right Click the new Shortcut and select Properties. Then at the end of "target" field add
- server and click apply.
step8 making sure BitLeu.exe is closed. Locate your BitLeu roaming folder this is in c:/Users/Your Username/appdata/Roaming/Bitleu
step9 Now create a text document and call it "bitleu" in your Bitleu appdata roaming folder.
step10 copy and past the following into your text document:
Note: You can replace Username and Password with ones of your own
If you do change these make sure you also change them in step 13.
step11 click File SaveAs and add .conf so the file name now shows
bitleu.confstep12 Open your YACminer Folder and Create a New Text Document. You can Name it Whatever your like so it is easier to find
step13 open the new Text Document in Notepad and add the following :
yacminer --scrypt -o
http://LocalHost:3136 -O Username:password -I 13 -g 2 -s 0
step14 Now Again Click File SaveAs and making sure the file type is selected to all files add .BAT to the end of the filename and save
step15 Now you are ready to Begin Mining. Launch BitLeu.exe Shortcut that we created earlier in step6
step16 Wait for it to sync up with nodes if you have not done so already. Now Launch Your Yacminer BAT file that you created in step 14
step17 Now Be patient and wait for the BitLeu to roll in! once this happens you will see a small balloon pop up at the bottom right of your screen