New Asset AnnouncementName: ByteEMini
Asset ID: 639537212154320
Offer Price: 0.4
Total Shares: 100,000
100 ByteEMini = 1 ByteEnt
This asset is based on my personal holdings of 1000 x ByteEnt shares details on this can found here All dividends received on my 1000 ByteEnt shares will be passed onto ByteEMini holders. Payouts monthly.
This asset is for people that were interested in the ByteEnt shares, but perhaps didn't have the funds for purchasing
or missed the initial offer or want to try out the asset market with a smaller asset purchase.
To purchase:-
Open burst wallet
Click Asset Exchange tab on left side navigation menu
Click Add Asset button top right side corner
Enter asset id: 639537212154320
Recommended purchase in blocks of 100
Any questions please ask.
Thank you.
I am puzzled about this asset. What is it for? I mean, why not simple offer the original for trade? What if the price diverts of original and yours? What if the original transfers (again) into another asset? If somebody cannot afford 40, then I doubt he could afford 4 Burst to buy, lol.
Hi Elmit,
This asset is simply a diluted holding of the ByteEnt shares 100 to 1.
The price will follow ByteEnt shares at the diluted ratio because its the same thing essentially.
If ByteEnt transferred into a new or some other asset, Mini holders would have ownership of the new asset
just as if they were holders of the ByteEnt. This is just a dilution of the original shares 100 to 1.
100 Mini shares = 1 ByteEnt share
I expect overtime that ByteEnt shares will increase in value and my pricing strategy will become more obvious
for example if ByteEnt rises to 400 and ByteEMini will then be 4 burst per share. A lot more affordable to the average
wallet holder.
I for one, appreciate the backing. No matter what form. Thank you.
It also is good to have more assets no matter what, just use the system.
BURST isn't going anywhere, so yes, I too suspect that over time his asset will make more sense.
Also, ByteEnt is DEFINITELY not going anywhere. That asset will never die, will never change, it will never do anything but go up in % being paid out.
Right now people are losing faith, but that's fine, it weeds out the people who don't believe in the coin. Let them go.
I know what is in store, and even if it doesn't come immediately, it will come.
Take a look at BTC, do you think there weren't many times in its life where people said "this is dying, this is dead" etc? Hah. Laughable.
There are still many big things going on, albeit not as fast as some people might like, but that's life.
Take this as a time to accumulate a TON of everyone's favorite coin.
That's what I'm doing.
BURST has always been a more long-term coin. If you can't see that, then dump and get out. But I truly believe that the people who are here, sticking it out when the price is low and people are naysaying, THOSE are the ones that in the future will be very very pleased, just like the early adopters of BTC that didn't cash out to buy pizza.
Thanks riskyfire, for backing my company and believing in our assets, and thank you for seeing further than a day. (as it seems a lot of people do.)