I like the lower part of burst.ninja, especially when "Forged By" lists:
81749 PetaByte w/ D = 1 min, 12 secs
Lets celebrate
I think the middle part is really worth to watch. One of my miners is there listed again:
81933 BurstMiner w/ D = 5 mins, 46 secs
mininghere.com is a small pool, so each time I find one of my miners there, I am happy.
Our new pool software will add such feature.
I am also inspired by cryptomining.farm
Elmit, you might want to take a look at your pool, its currently 31 rounds behind reality. It's on round 81,939 while all the other pools are on 81,970, oops 32 now everyone else just moved onto 81,971.
Edit: 51 rounds, 3.5 hours now .....
And Elmit, it appears you're ripping off some of your miners. some of your claimed payments are not on the blockchain. I'll assume it's the buggy code you're running and not a deliberate ripping off of mininghere.com miners.
Recent Payments
KNQ2-7WLZ-V8LK-DF5C4 4.26 28/03 07:50:21 - not on blockchain
BFG9-4TQ5-HUVP-8A4NK 41.16 28/03 07:50:21 - not on blockchain
7C85-VNSQ-ZNSU-CB6RW 9.79 28/03 07:50:21
E58B-7ZKD-PJJL-4EHF5 2.09 28/03 07:50:21
QKL5-JZDK-ZBC5-HTGXU 5.19 28/03 07:50:21
YVW4-6J8Y-5GPW-5U9MZ 11.97 28/03 07:50:21
VE7E-J6AB-K6BZ-A3VFY 3.77 28/03 07:50:21
AWBE-LCNP-ER6K-2GFVL 12.46 28/03 07:50:21 - not on blockchain
RZGV-3PEZ-FGF4-BQE26 4.13 28/03 07:50:21
NF9L-J2G4-N67V-5TJGJ 2.37 28/03 07:50:21
SKN8-QLRP-TS69-CB37J 4.43 28/03 07:50:21
CBC3-FYXQ-H28R-3T9KE 3.01 28/03 07:50:21
MR62-L2BY-9JS3-HALUK 140.77 28/03 07:50:21 - not on blockchain
X2MY-DV84-GB2J-HCXZE 13.32 28/03 07:50:21 - not on blockchain
G5Y2-DF78-Q27R-EBGUK 140.58 28/03 07:50:21 - not on blockchain