you missed one transaction? So you're manually processing asset payouts? Seriously?
Yes, I used all parts and put it into an spread sheet. Thereby I made two errors. One was I added irontiga in two columns and second I missed to remove his asset at the time
Human errors happens, don't they?
To do it all by hand is for me the first part to check if the program works. The program was not finished, but I wanted to pay out.
Yes you have posts on BurstForum - from Elmit (Male, 58, Taiwan)
Yes, that is the one, that is me!
Date of Birth: Mar 4, 1956 So tomorrow is my birthday.
Ronald_wiplinger (Male,45,Taiwan). If you lie about something as insignificant as your age, what else do you lie about?
Yes, that one is also from me, because I use generated complicated passwords, which I do not have in my head. When I wanted to check from my tablet I had no password and tapatalk - a recommendation from IronTiga - needed a login. I am not planning to use that account for posting. I created a new account.
The birthday there is tricky, but of course you cannot know that.
The tablet is setup in Taiwan and in Taiwan we write now the year 104, so my birth year is 45 in that case!
I did not know that MY birthday is so important, while none of you guys put it in at all. Maybe you are not even 13, and should therefore be barred from the forum??? Who knows if you do not reveal it ;-)
finished that $14K website for pb5online yet?
The web site was finished after 14 days!!! You can see it in the wayback machine of the Internet. They paid me for that 500 US$. However, then they needed me for other programming work, like converting their 2000 pdf to secure pdf and setup an online store. There they did not pay the software, the hosting and not me anymore. On top of that they asked me after 11 months to change the site to a new design, which they gave me as a picture! The site was a typo3 page and the template would have needed to be changed. Without the open payments I did not start any work anymore. Would you? Then their son changed the site and was then broken at all.
I refused after waiting for a long time for my payment to go to their office. The transfer of their domain she could not make by her own. So she send this words to the web site - anonymously!!!!!
They seem to be bankrupt and are not to find anymore. The court case is pending till I can find them. I did not make much effort to find them, since after the court is doubtful that I could get something out of that.
HOWEVER, everybody who jumps on that wagon, I believe I can find, ... Therefore never reposet something that you have not verified!