ATDevelopmentFund is now funded. When should we expect the AT to send the funds collected to the creator address?
Excellent work everyone, let me be the first to thank all the donors!
The AT is set to disburse in 7555 blocks, average block time is 4 minutes, so in approximately 21 days.
Thank you equipose for your efforts!
No problem, but there were not much efforts done from me on this - I just sent a small donation and posted about the BURST ATs here and there. Meanwhile my first zRMicroArray crowdfunding AT is now 30+% funded. It now seems more possible to find a crowdfunding for this project with BURST ATs and some other cryptocurrencies communities.
I have another greater project, I and a team of four worked on during the last 12 years. It's a non-invasive health diagnostics tool which gives information about the working of 12 internal human organs and systems. It could early diagnose functional organ deviations before they are clinical. It could diagnose some diseases like diabetes and prostatitis for example and even catch some life threatened emergencies before they occur and would suggest the patient to immediately go to a specific medical examination. It could for example tell if a patient was a sportsman and what kind of sports he trained (heavy sports, fast sports, etc...). In those 12 years we measured 5000+ patients and we trained an artificial neural network to find cases/similarities based on those patients. We've passed the proof of concept phase and we are now ready to bring it to a larger scale - give a non-commercial licences to some physicians and teach them to use it. They could then diagnose their friends/family/patients and compare it to their clinical diagnoses/tests/examinations to proof it's working. With more data collected we could calibrate the devices/software even better and find more relations in the data. The tool have the potential to make the health diagnostics much cheaper and with it's automatic diagnostics mode it could bring diagnostics to places were it was never available even without a physician. The project require small amount of funds to produce the devices, teach the physicians, install and configure the software, etc. I approximate the funds needed to bring it to 5 physicians in this early phase to about 8000-10000 $, and if the project scales a lot it would become much less. I have to talk with the other
team members about crowdfunding and cryptocurrencies at general and get their approval to create a crowdfunding case for this project. Our leading scientist is 78 years old physicist. I think he'll get the cryptocurrencies and crowdfunding ideas and what this could bring to the future generations. I hope I could use the zRMicroArray funding AT case(s) as a proof of concept to him that cryptocurrencies crowdfunding could bring some funds to a scientific project if the funds needed are small enough. Thank you all who donated so far! Special thanks to the guy who donated 300k!
I just got a 300000 burst donation ($ 118.57 at the current price). Thank you very much!
The first zRMicroArray BURST AT crowdfunding case is now 30.56% funded: