
Topic: [ANN][BURST] Burst | Efficient HDD Mining | New 1.2.3 Fork block 92000 - page 425. (Read 2171095 times)

sr. member
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here is a fix for dcct's linux miner for mining with DevPool v2.
replace the code in the file "mine.c" with the follwing one an compile it. thx dcct for this nice linux miner!

        Uses burstcoin plot files to mine coins
        Author: Markus Tervooren

With code written by Uray Meiviar

        Implementation of Shabal is taken from:

Usage: ./mine [ ..]

#define _GNU_SOURCE

#include "shabal.h"
#include "helper.h"

// Do not report results with deadline above this to the node. If you mine solo set this to 10000 to avoid stressing out the node.
#define MAXDEADLINE 5000000

// Change if you need
#define DEFAULT_PORT 8125

// These are fixed for BURST. Dont change!
#define HASH_SIZE 32
#define HASH_CAP 4096

// Read this many nonces at once. 100k = 6.4MB per directory/thread.
// More may speedup things a little.
#define CACHESIZE 100000

#define BUFFERSIZE 2000

unsigned long long addr;
unsigned long long startnonce;
int scoop;

unsigned long long best;
unsigned long long bestn;
unsigned long long deadline;

unsigned long long targetdeadline;

char signature[33];
char oldSignature[33];

char nodeip[16];
int nodeport = DEFAULT_PORT;

unsigned long long bytesRead = 0;
unsigned long long height = 0;
unsigned long long baseTarget = 0;
time_t starttime;

int stopThreads = 0;

pthread_mutex_t byteLock;

#define SHARECACHE 1000

int sharefill;
unsigned long long sharekey[SHARECACHE];
unsigned long long sharenonce[SHARECACHE];

// Buffer to read the passphrase to. Only when SOLO mining
#ifdef SOLO
char passphrase[BUFFERSIZE + 1];

char readbuffer[BUFFERSIZE + 1];

// Some more buffers
char writebuffer[BUFFERSIZE + 1];

char *contactWallet(char *req, int bytes) {

struct sockaddr_in ss;
ss.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr( nodeip );
ss.sin_family = AF_INET;
ss.sin_port = htons( nodeport );

struct timeval tv;
tv.tv_sec =  15;
tv.tv_usec = 0; 

setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (char *)&tv,sizeof(struct timeval));

if(connect(s, (struct sockaddr*)&ss, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) == -1) {
printf("\nError sending result to node                           \n");
return NULL;

int written = 0;
do {
int w = write(s, &req[written], bytes - written);
if(w < 1) {
printf("\nError sending request to node                     \n");
return NULL;
written += w;
} while(written < bytes);

int bytesread = 0, rbytes;
do {
rbytes = read(s, &readbuffer[bytesread], BUFFERSIZE - bytesread);
if(bytes > 0)
bytesread += rbytes;

} while(rbytes > 0 && bytesread < BUFFERSIZE);


// Finish read
readbuffer[bytesread] = 0;

// locate HTTP header end
char *find = strstr(readbuffer, "\r\n\r\n");

// No header found
if(find == NULL)
return NULL;

return find + 4;

void procscoop(unsigned long long nonce, int n, char *data, unsigned long long account_id) {
char *cache;
char sig[32 + 64];

cache = data;

int v;

memmove(sig, signature, 32);

for(v=0; v memmove(&sig[32], cache, 64);

shabal_context x;
shabal_init(&x, 256);
shabal(&x, sig, 64 + 32);

char res[32];

shabal_close(&x, 0, 0, res);

unsigned long long *wertung = (unsigned long long*)res;

// Sharepool: Submit all deadlines below threshold
// Uray_pool: Submit best deadline
// Solo: Best deadline, but not low quality deadlines

// For sharepool just store results for later submission
if(*wertung < targetdeadline * baseTarget && sharefill < SHARECACHE) {
sharekey[sharefill] = account_id;
sharenonce[sharefill] = nonce;
if(bestn == 0 || *wertung <= best) {
best = *wertung;
bestn = nonce;

#ifdef SOLO
if(best < baseTarget * MAXDEADLINE) { // Has to be this good before we inform the node

#ifdef URAY_POOL
                        int bytes = sprintf(writebuffer, "POST /burst?requestType=submitNonce&accountId=%llu&nonce=%llu HTTP/1.0\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n", account_id,bestn);
int bytes = sprintf(writebuffer, "POST /burst?requestType=submitNonce&secretPhrase=%s&nonce=%llu HTTP/1.0\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n", passphrase, bestn);
char *buffer = contactWallet( writebuffer, bytes );

if(buffer != NULL) {
char *rdeadline = strstr(buffer, "\"deadline\":");
if(rdeadline != NULL) {
rdeadline += 11;
char *end = strstr(rdeadline, "}");
if(end != NULL) {
// Parse and check if we have a better deadline
unsigned long long ndeadline = strtoull(rdeadline, 0, 10);
if(ndeadline < deadline || deadline == 0)
deadline = ndeadline;
} else {
printf("\nWalet reported no deadline.\n");
#ifdef SOLO
// Deadline too high? Passphrase may be wrong.
if(deadline > MAXDEADLINE) {
printf("\nYour deadline is larger than it should be. Check if you put the correct passphrase to passphrases.txt.\n");

#ifdef SOLO

cache += 64;

void *work_i(void *x_void_ptr) {
        char *x_ptr = (char*)x_void_ptr;

char *cache = (char*) malloc(CACHESIZE * HASH_SIZE * 2);

if(cache == NULL) {
printf("\nError allocating memory                         \n");

DIR *d;
struct dirent *dir;
d = opendir(x_ptr);

if (d) {
while ((dir = readdir(d)) != NULL) {
unsigned long long key, nonce, nonces, stagger, n;

char fullname[512];
strcpy(fullname, x_ptr);

if(sscanf(dir->d_name, "%llu_%llu_%llu_%llu", &key, &nonce, &nonces, &stagger)) {
// Does path end with a /? If not, add it.
if( fullname[ strlen( x_void_ptr ) ] == '/' ) {
strcpy(&fullname[ strlen( x_void_ptr ) ], dir->d_name);
} else {
fullname[ strlen( x_void_ptr ) ] = '/';
strcpy(&fullname[ strlen( x_void_ptr ) + 1 ], dir->d_name);

int fh = open(fullname, O_RDONLY);

if(fh < 0) {
                                        printf("\nError opening file %s                             \n", fullname);

unsigned long long offset = stagger * scoop * HASH_SIZE * 2;
unsigned long long size = stagger * HASH_SIZE * 2;

for(n=0; n // Read one Scoop out of this block:
// start to start+size in steps of CACHESIZE * HASH_SIZE * 2

unsigned long long start = n * HASH_CAP * HASH_SIZE * 2 + offset, i;
unsigned long long noffset = 0;
for(i = start; i < start + size; i += CACHESIZE * HASH_SIZE * 2) {
unsigned int readsize = CACHESIZE * HASH_SIZE * 2;
if(readsize > start + size - i)
readsize = start + size - i;

int bytes = 0, b;
do {
b = pread(fh, &cache[bytes], readsize - bytes, i);
bytes += b;
} while(bytes < readsize && b > 0); // Read until cache is filled (or file ended)

if(b != 0) {
procscoop(n + nonce + noffset, readsize / (HASH_SIZE * 2), cache, key); // Process block

// Lock and add to totals
bytesRead += readsize;

noffset += CACHESIZE;

if(stopThreads) { // New block while processing: Stop.
return NULL;
return NULL;

int pollNode() {

// Share-pool works differently
int bytes = sprintf(writebuffer, "GET /pool/getMiningInfo HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s:%i\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n", nodeip, nodeport);
int bytes = sprintf(writebuffer, "POST /burst?requestType=getMiningInfo HTTP/1.0\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n");

char *buffer = contactWallet( writebuffer, bytes );

if(buffer == NULL)
return 0;

// Parse result
char *rbaseTarget = strstr(buffer, "\"baseTarget\": \"");
char *rheight = strstr(buffer, "\"height\": \"");
char *generationSignature = strstr(buffer, "\"generationSignature\": \"");
char *tdl = strstr(buffer, "\"targetDeadline\": \"");

if(rbaseTarget == NULL || rheight == NULL || generationSignature == NULL || tdl == NULL)
return 0;

char *endBaseTarget = strstr(rbaseTarget + 15, "\"");
char *endHeight = strstr(rheight + 11, "\"");
char *endGenerationSignature = strstr(generationSignature + 24, "\"");
char *endtdl = strstr(tdl + 19, "\"");

if(endBaseTarget == NULL || endHeight == NULL || endGenerationSignature == NULL || endtdl == NULL)
return 0;

// Set endpoints
endBaseTarget[0] = 0;
endHeight[0] = 0;
endGenerationSignature[0] = 0;
endtdl[0] = 0;

// Parse
if(xstr2strr(signature, 33, generationSignature + 24) < 0) {
printf("\nNode response: Error decoding generationsignature          \n");
return 0;

height = strtoull(rheight + 11, 0, 10);
baseTarget = strtoull(rbaseTarget + 15, 0, 10);
targetdeadline = strtoull(tdl + 19, 0, 10);
char *rbaseTarget = strstr(buffer, "\"baseTarget\":\"");
char *rheight = strstr(buffer, "\"height\":\"");
char *generationSignature = strstr(buffer, "\"generationSignature\":\"");
if(rbaseTarget == NULL || rheight == NULL || generationSignature == NULL)
return 0;

char *endBaseTarget = strstr(rbaseTarget + 14, "\"");
char *endHeight = strstr(rheight + 10, "\"");
char *endGenerationSignature = strstr(generationSignature + 23, "\"");
if(endBaseTarget == NULL || endHeight == NULL || endGenerationSignature == NULL)
return 0;

// Set endpoints
endBaseTarget[0] = 0;
endHeight[0] = 0;
endGenerationSignature[0] = 0;

// Parse
if(xstr2strr(signature, 33, generationSignature + 23) < 0) {
printf("\nNode response: Error decoding generationsignature          \n");
return 0;

height = strtoull(rheight + 10, 0, 10);
baseTarget = strtoull(rbaseTarget + 14, 0, 10);

return 1;

void update() {
// Try until we get a result.
while(pollNode() == 0) {
printf("\nCould not get mining info from Node. Will retry..             \n");
struct timespec wait;
wait.tv_sec = 1;
wait.tv_nsec = 0;
nanosleep(&wait, NULL);

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int i;
if(argc < 3) {
printf("Usage: ./mine [ ..]\n");

#ifdef SOLO
// Reading passphrase from file
int pf = open( "passphrases.txt", O_RDONLY );
if( pf < 0 ) {
printf("Could not find file passphrases.txt\nThis file should contain the passphrase used to create the plotfiles\n");

int bytes = read( pf, passphrase, 2000 );

// Replace spaces with +
for( i=0; i if( passphrase[i] == ' ' )
passphrase[i] = '+';

// end on newline
if( passphrase[i] == '\n' || passphrase[i] == '\r')
passphrase[i] = 0;

passphrase[bytes] = 0;

// Check if all directories exist:
struct stat d = {0};

for(i = 2; i < argc; i++) {
if ( stat( argv[i], &d) ) {
printf( "Plot directory %s does not exist\n", argv[i] );
} else {
if( !(d.st_mode & S_IFDIR) ) {
printf( "%s is not a directory\n", argv[i] );

char *hostname = argv[1];

// Contains http://? strip it.
if(strncmp(hostname, "http://", 7) == 0)
hostname += 7;

// Contains Port? Extract and strip.
char *p = strstr(hostname, ":");
if(p != NULL) {
p[0] = 0;
nodeport = atoi(p);

printf("Using %s port %i\n", hostname, nodeport);

hostname_to_ip(hostname, nodeip);

memset(oldSignature, 0, 33);

pthread_t worker[argc];

// Get startpoint:

// Main loop
for(;;) {
// Get scoop:
char scoopgen[40];
memmove(scoopgen, signature, 32);

char *mov = (char*)&height;

scoopgen[32] = mov[7]; scoopgen[33] = mov[6]; scoopgen[34] = mov[5]; scoopgen[35] = mov[4]; scoopgen[36] = mov[3]; scoopgen[37] = mov[2]; scoopgen[38] = mov[1]; scoopgen[39] = mov[0];

shabal_context x;
shabal_init(&x, 256);
shabal(&x, scoopgen, 40);
char xcache[32];
shabal_close(&x, 0, 0, xcache);

scoop = (((unsigned char)xcache[31]) + 256 * (unsigned char)xcache[30]) % HASH_CAP;

// New block: reset stats
best = bestn = deadline = bytesRead = 0;

sharefill = 0;

for(i = 2; i < argc; i++) {
if(pthread_create(&worker[i], NULL, work_i, argv[i])) {
printf("\nError creating thread. Out of memory? Try lower stagger size\n");

// Collect threads back in for dev's pool:
                for(i = 2; i < argc; i++)
                       pthread_join(worker[i], NULL);

if(sharefill > 0) {
char *f1 = (char*) malloc(SHARECACHE * 100);
char *f2 = (char*) malloc(SHARECACHE * 100);

int used = 0;
for(i = 0; i used += sprintf(&f1[used], "%llu:%llu:%llu\n", sharekey[i], sharenonce[i], height);

int ilen = 1, red = used;
while(red > 10) {
red /= 10;

int db = sprintf(f2, "POST /pool/submitWork HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s:%i\r\nContent-Type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8\r\nContent-Length: %i\r\n\r\n%s", nodeip, nodeport, used, f1);

printf("\nServer response: %s\n", contactWallet(f2, db));


memmove(oldSignature, signature, 32);

// Wait until block changes:
do {

time_t ttime;
printf("\r%llu MB read/%llu GB total/%i shares@target %llu                 ", (bytesRead / ( 1024 * 1024 )), (bytesRead / (256 * 1024)), sharefill, targetdeadline);
if(deadline == 0)
printf("\r%llu MB read/%llu GB total/no deadline                 ", (bytesRead / ( 1024 * 1024 )), (bytesRead / (256 * 1024)));
printf("\r%llu MB read/%llu GB total/deadline %llus (%llis left)           ", (bytesRead / ( 1024 * 1024 )), (bytesRead / (256 * 1024)), deadline, (long long)deadline + (unsigned int)starttime - (unsigned int)ttime);


struct timespec wait;
// Query faster when solo mining
#ifdef SOLO
wait.tv_sec = 1;
wait.tv_sec = 5;
wait.tv_nsec = 0;
nanosleep(&wait, NULL);
} while(memcmp(signature, oldSignature, 32) == 0); // Wait until signature changed

printf("\nNew block %llu, basetarget %llu                          \n", height, baseTarget);

// Remember starttime

#ifndef SHARE_POOL
// Tell all threads to stop:
stopThreads = 1;
for(i = 2; i < argc; i++)
       pthread_join(worker[i], NULL);

stopThreads = 0;

Activity: 75
Merit: 10
hero member
Activity: 527
Merit: 500
i got one question... is the wallet goin to have very much revisionlike 1.15 to 1.2.2 it had already soo the next moths will also be need to actualize like in 2 per 2 weeks a new version? its that the link only works if the anti-virus its not connected..

Updates will come as necessary or as new features are introduced. What link is giving you problems mate?

Is it critical to upgrade from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2. What is new in 1.2.2?

Yes it is a mandatory update, please update as soon as possible. Deadline is block 67000, which is about 7 days away. 1.2.2. brings some new fixes and updates to Automated Transactions.
hero member
Activity: 714
Merit: 500
Ok, dcct's optimizer (dcct's address: BURST-DCCT-RZBV-NQC7-9G5N2): optimizer.exe (It was originally called merge.exe) - reorganizes (optimize) file. Improves reading speed and reduces destruction of HDD.
(start code
Usage: optimize.exe [-del 1 or 0 (Optional)] [-m MEMORY (Optional)] [ ..]

Defragmentator: O&O Defrag Professional

When you specify the path settings in the following order, each path - it's a separate thread to the processor.
"Paths":["C:\\plots","D:\\plots","E:\\plots\\"],   - 3 parallel executable threads

In this case, the files are read sequentially in one thread:
"Paths":["C:\\plots+D:\\plots+E:\\plots\\"],   - 1 sequential thread for 3 HDDs

That makes more sense, the + is a threading option. In what case would you only want one thread?

I believe to run all HDDs in 1 thread is to reduce heavy usage of CPU, so that you still have smooth computer power for your work... Not every burstcoin miner has dedicated mining machine anyway  Grin
full member
Activity: 146
Merit: 100
Is it critical to upgrade from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2. What is new in 1.2.2?
sr. member
Activity: 423
Merit: 250
Curious bit, has anyone tested out performance while scanning plots with different allocation sizes? What about different sector sizes?
sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250
i got one question... is the wallet goin to have very much revisionlike 1.15 to 1.2.2 it had already soo the next moths will also be need to actualize like in 2 per 2 weeks a new version? its that the link only works if the anti-virus its not connected..
sr. member
Activity: 423
Merit: 250

Thanks, how do you know if everything is functioning properly? I think I got everything working, but I'm not certain whether or not it's really 'working' so to speak. There is little to no documentation for the miner so I don't have any idea what any of the dialogue or options actually mean.

Like what is: dl sdl cdl ss rs?

How often does the mining 'phase' happen?
Every new block (~4 min)

How do you know if you found a block mining solo?
You got burst in the wallet

How do you know how long it took to process the last deadline and what the deadline is (I'm using blagos)?

see stat-log.csv  (ID, #block, baseTarget, best_Deadline)

What is the initial 'mine' that happens when you start the miner up, where the percentage in the bottom left counts up?
percentage of reading of plots

What is optimizing people talk about and how do you do it? What does it mean?
merge the plots, defrag HDDs

Blago I know this is a old post of yours but when you are merging and defragging hdds how do you go about using that merge tool in it as this no info on how to use the exe. How does one use it. Is tis the optimizer to optimize plots then just defrag hddd with defragger etc and link up in config for mining to add selected hdds like  d e f g and so on.

Yeah, I still don't understand what the + means. From reading through posts, I assumed 'merging' and 'optimizing' are the same thing. Defraging, is just defraging your HD...

A lot of lingo, I've been around here for over a month and I still don't have all of it figured out.

Ok, dcct's optimizer (dcct's address: BURST-DCCT-RZBV-NQC7-9G5N2): optimizer.exe (It was originally called merge.exe) - reorganizes (optimize) file. Improves reading speed and reduces destruction of HDD.
(start code
Usage: optimize.exe [-del 1 or 0 (Optional)] [-m MEMORY (Optional)] [ ..]

Defragmentator: O&O Defrag Professional

When you specify the path settings in the following order, each path - it's a separate thread to the processor.
"Paths":["C:\\plots","D:\\plots","E:\\plots\\"],   - 3 parallel executable threads

In this case, the files are read sequentially in one thread:
"Paths":["C:\\plots+D:\\plots+E:\\plots\\"],   - 1 sequential thread for 3 HDDs

That makes more sense, the + is a threading option. In what case would you only want one thread?
sr. member
Activity: 416
Merit: 250

Thanks, how do you know if everything is functioning properly? I think I got everything working, but I'm not certain whether or not it's really 'working' so to speak. There is little to no documentation for the miner so I don't have any idea what any of the dialogue or options actually mean.

Like what is: dl sdl cdl ss rs?

How often does the mining 'phase' happen?
Every new block (~4 min)

How do you know if you found a block mining solo?
You got burst in the wallet

How do you know how long it took to process the last deadline and what the deadline is (I'm using blagos)?

see stat-log.csv  (ID, #block, baseTarget, best_Deadline)

What is the initial 'mine' that happens when you start the miner up, where the percentage in the bottom left counts up?
percentage of reading of plots

What is optimizing people talk about and how do you do it? What does it mean?
merge the plots, defrag HDDs

Blago I know this is a old post of yours but when you are merging and defragging hdds how do you go about using that merge tool in it as this no info on how to use the exe. How does one use it. Is tis the optimizer to optimize plots then just defrag hddd with defragger etc and link up in config for mining to add selected hdds like  d e f g and so on.

Yeah, I still don't understand what the + means. From reading through posts, I assumed 'merging' and 'optimizing' are the same thing. Defraging, is just defraging your HD...

A lot of lingo, I've been around here for over a month and I still don't have all of it figured out.

Ok, dcct's optimizer (dcct's address: BURST-DCCT-RZBV-NQC7-9G5N2): optimizer.exe (It was originally called merge.exe) - reorganizes (optimize) file. Improves reading speed and reduces destruction of HDD.
(start code
Usage: optimize.exe [-del 1 or 0 (Optional)] [-m MEMORY (Optional)] [ ..]

Defragmentator: O&O Defrag Professional

When you specify the path settings in the following order, each path - it's a separate thread to the processor.
"Paths":["C:\\plots","D:\\plots","E:\\plots\\"],   - 3 parallel executable threads

In this case, the files are read sequentially in one thread:
"Paths":["C:\\plots+D:\\plots+E:\\plots\\"],   - 1 sequential thread for 3 HDDs

sr. member
Activity: 423
Merit: 250

Thanks, how do you know if everything is functioning properly? I think I got everything working, but I'm not certain whether or not it's really 'working' so to speak. There is little to no documentation for the miner so I don't have any idea what any of the dialogue or options actually mean.

Like what is: dl sdl cdl ss rs?

How often does the mining 'phase' happen?
Every new block (~4 min)

How do you know if you found a block mining solo?
You got burst in the wallet

How do you know how long it took to process the last deadline and what the deadline is (I'm using blagos)?

see stat-log.csv  (ID, #block, baseTarget, best_Deadline)

What is the initial 'mine' that happens when you start the miner up, where the percentage in the bottom left counts up?
percentage of reading of plots

What is optimizing people talk about and how do you do it? What does it mean?
merge the plots, defrag HDDs

Blago I know this is a old post of yours but when you are merging and defragging hdds how do you go about using that merge tool in it as this no info on how to use the exe. How does one use it. Is tis the optimizer to optimize plots then just defrag hddd with defragger etc and link up in config for mining to add selected hdds like  d e f g and so on.

Yeah, I still don't understand what the + means. From reading through posts, I assumed 'merging' and 'optimizing' are the same thing. Defraging, is just defraging your HD...

A lot of lingo, I've been around here for over a month and I still don't have all of it figured out.

So I just updated to 1.2.2 and I've noticed a problem since 1.2.1 where my wallets are not all on the same block and they update sporadically. One wallet is currently five blocks behind and of course mining isn't happening because I'm five blocks behind. Sometimes it's just 1-2 blocks of difference, even weirder the wallet that is 'behind' still tries to mine the block it's on, even though there is a newer block being currently mined. Sometimes they're on exactly the same block.

Is this just me having this happen? It's definitely a big deal. I don't think you'd even notice if you're running one wallet.

Any update on this issue? Is anyone else experiencing a similar issue with the new version?

I eventually had to copy one of the block chains from the other PC to get this to fix itself. It looks like it's working so far, we'll see though.
sr. member
Activity: 397
Merit: 250
please vote solarfarm(CELL) Burst asset

sr. member
Activity: 407
Merit: 254
Say what you will about my questionable ethics in regards to salvaging bitcoins from people who don't know what they have, but I take a mild amount of umbrage at this "troll" tag.

You have already admited to being a thief and having questionable ethics. We have to assume that you are still looking for "wayward" coins and that your mission here is nefarious.  Leave, and you won't be missed.  Commit no crimes and you can't be incarcerated
Activity: 1820
Merit: 1001

Thanks, how do you know if everything is functioning properly? I think I got everything working, but I'm not certain whether or not it's really 'working' so to speak. There is little to no documentation for the miner so I don't have any idea what any of the dialogue or options actually mean.

Like what is: dl sdl cdl ss rs?

How often does the mining 'phase' happen?
Every new block (~4 min)

How do you know if you found a block mining solo?
You got burst in the wallet

How do you know how long it took to process the last deadline and what the deadline is (I'm using blagos)?

see stat-log.csv  (ID, #block, baseTarget, best_Deadline)

What is the initial 'mine' that happens when you start the miner up, where the percentage in the bottom left counts up?
percentage of reading of plots

What is optimizing people talk about and how do you do it? What does it mean?
merge the plots, defrag HDDs

Blago I know this is a old post of yours but when you are merging and defragging hdds how do you go about using that merge tool in it as this no info on how to use the exe. How does one use it. Is tis the optimizer to optimize plots then just defrag hddd with defragger etc and link up in config for mining to add selected hdds like  d e f g and so on.
Activity: 89
Merit: 10
So I just updated to 1.2.2 and I've noticed a problem since 1.2.1 where my wallets are not all on the same block and they update sporadically. One wallet is currently five blocks behind and of course mining isn't happening because I'm five blocks behind. Sometimes it's just 1-2 blocks of difference, even weirder the wallet that is 'behind' still tries to mine the block it's on, even though there is a newer block being currently mined. Sometimes they're on exactly the same block.

Is this just me having this happen? It's definitely a big deal. I don't think you'd even notice if you're running one wallet.

Any update on this issue? Is anyone else experiencing a similar issue with the new version?
Activity: 924
Merit: 1000
I get that error sometimes to. I just ignore it but not sure since I have been getting paid. Happens once in a while.
hero member
Activity: 714
Merit: 500
I have been using Blago miner mining at pool for some days... But it keeps showing "Missing Passphrase" error recently, any clue? Or it is the server issue?

could be 1 the pool or that your not assigned to the pool correctly could try restarting miner if that does not work and you are assigned to the pool correctly and plots are also fine then could well be the pool with problems as I did get a few problems like this in the past be eventually resolved their self but I then left and went to another pool to try. Since been back and forth from the pool and seems to be ok. So might just be an intermittent problem but no doubt staff will look into it if you been mining perfectly fine on it.

So far no problem with mining, or maybe just a little issue... So I decided to continue using, at least it's confirmation is fast.
Activity: 1820
Merit: 1001
Seems great coin i'm in

Nice to see another member come on-board burst welcome to Burstcoin.  If you get any problems or stuck on anything feel free to post. Am sure someone even myself will give you a hand on getting started. Can get a bit bumpy but is simple enough to do if you got some experience in mining and computers Smiley
Activity: 1820
Merit: 1001
-=Updates=- The Ultimate Burstcoin Guide By CrazyEarner.

Current Progress report.


  • 1.0 Windows Files Needed: All files and help guides to making sure you will get no problems.
Completed. Cheesy

  • 2.0    Burstcoin Wallet: details on how to set-up wallet install and maintain a healthy burst wallet.
In progress to be finished by end of 6th Feb 2015

  • 3.0    CPU Plotting Software: Details of how to set-up and get plotting with CPU software.
On to do list

  • 4.0    GPU Plotting Software:  Details of how to get your GPU to plot faster and without errors or crashes.
On to do list

  • 5.0    Optimizing Generated Plots: details of how to get your plots optimized after creating your plots.
On to do list

  • 6.0   Pools/mining: This will cover mining software and getting set-up on pools to mine. On to do list.

    • 7.0 Trouble Shooting: General information going over problems caused and what the cause is to this and to fix.
    On to do list

I will continue to keep everyone up to  date on progress on where everything is at on completion.
Once this is done I will provide links to this guide and continue to update links to updated wallets and changes that happen as Burst gets updated.
I will also be making a very detailed guide when I get the chance to.

So for now this will be detailed as much as one can so that everyone can understand everything that is needed to be known to make sure you have a simple and easy start to burst from section 1 and following it though and getting everything up and running smooth first time. Following the completed guide this will eliminate most your problems and frustrations on trying when this guide will successfully get you started.

hero member
Activity: 955
Merit: 1004
Say what you will about my questionable ethics in regards to salvaging bitcoins from people who don't know what they have, but I take a mild amount of umbrage at this "troll" tag.

You only need to look at the price history of this crap coin to see that I AM CORRECT in my evaluation of it.  If you are going to invest time, money, and electricity in a coin, do it on one with a future.  What the hell is BURST coin?  Why will its value ever increase?  Why will people one day want to use it instead of Bitcoin?  Hell, even Litecoin, the once-vaunted silver to bitcoins gold, is nearly a crap coin now.

Who can give a good answer to these questions? 

Tell me why a person should mine this coin instead of another coin.  Prove me wrong. Huh

If alt coins can have their value manipulated up and down, and someone is smart enough to use those price swings to trade for better coins on the exchanges, then that is about the only use I can see this coin ever having.
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