Sure I will love to help.Also I can make translations from English to Russian language during the holidays.
Just PM me,I will be happy to help.
Thanks, but try to fill in the spread sheet above
We only have one single entry in there, and we need like 50. 100 would be great. I edited it for twitter accounts too.
Please: put every publication (online or print), person or twitter account you can come up with which are relevant to crypto! To have a list will be so much easier than PM a bunch of people, so can your spread it yourself, put your twitter account up there
We are still working on the releases, but we are spread out over the world/time zones/travel at the moment. But it should be available in five-six hours. We need to check all the facts are correct too, which is a bit complicated.
Once again: PLEASE fill out the spread sheet. One final bump of this, then I give up. We have two entries in spread sheet about where to sending the press releases. Price has climed without the news been activelty spread. This could be huge if we help each other.
I really hate to do the below, not because I'm against bounties or donations but because I could give them to dev or vbcs instead:
- I will give 200 BURST for each entry in the spread sheet
1) The roof is 100 unique entries, that means there are at least 20,000 up for grabs. Note: The roof may become made higher during the night/day, which will then be announced in a post from my account on in this thread
2) Entry your nick in the third column in the spread sheet and email
[email protected] with your contribution. PMs does not count. To be real sure of your payout include a printscreen of the spread sheet.
3) In case of dispute of who was first with an entry, Irontiga will give the ruling of who should have the coins
4) Entries have to be real, meaning crypto and/or bitcoin related, and complete/correct. Unrelated entries or spam will not count
This is a reeeeeally easy way of earning some Burst, just adding guys like Max Kaiser, Gavin Andresen's or's email addresses will give you 600 and takes 1 minute. Googling another 20 entries will give you 4,000 BURST. And the roof might very well become much higher then 100...
One last time: PLEASE HELP US
And let me pay you
And get us write the releases instead of hunting for relevant email addresses.
Address: address: [email protected]**EDIT: THANK YOU!! Eleven now and counting! Keep going
**EDIT 2: YEAH, great!! Take my money
But most importingly help out BURST!!
Keep going, I don't thing I stop at 100...
**EDIT 3: Just added this to the spread sheet (slightly edited):
- MORE; MORE; MORE. You might earn 10,000 BURST tonight if I go higher
- MORE PUBLICATIONS WOULD BE APPRECIATED; doesn't need to be an email address but a contact form is good too
** EDIT 4: 24 entries taken now!
If we reach 100, the next 50 entries after that will be 200 BURST for BLOGS and PUBLICATIONS (print or online); PUBLICATIONS in certian foregn langueges will be accepted (Scandinavia, Spanish, Russia, Portugees, Franch, Dutch, German). Twitter accounts will pay 50 BURST after 100** EDIT 5: EPIC WORK, GUYS, EPIC!! BREAK ME, plz, DO NOT STOP!!
- Even if I say more publications, twitter is fully and equally paid up to 100; I will pay more for publication within the first 100 entries tho. After 100 entries, BLOGS AND PUBLICATIONS WILL PAY 200 BURST and TWITTER 50 BURST
** EDIT 6: 63 entries!! Great guys, really nice of you.
- Please continue
I would like to announce that the former roof a 100 entries are now officially 200 entries
However, the the above rules apply.
- Note that you still can get 200 Bursts for a single (relevant) twitter account, up to 100 entry.
- After that, 200 Burst will be paid for for PUBLICATIONS, not only in English but also in certain languages (UPDATED list: "
Scandinavian" (you know what I mean),
Spanish, Russia, Portuguese, France, Dutch, German. Chines, Thai, South Corea), both in print and online. This also include blogs in those languages.
- And don't forget to email
[email protected] with what you have been adding and an address so I can send you the money! Plz remember, its holidays coming up so if I have a lot of email, this can take awhile. I'll keep you updated on that!
- And please continue: only 30 percent of the quota has been filled yet
5.26AM:I would lastly would like to say thank you for your work and I hope the community can continue to contribute to the development of Burst in this way, sometimes payed, sometimes for free. We must all cooperate to get Burst to the place in crypte where it belongs; technological innovation can to much but connections, friends, becoming a "name" and regularly be active on twitter and other places are so important. To this you have been to great help