We are not worried about CCX when the POS phase arrives. The code looks fine to us. Nobody will logically mine this coin at that time for the 15 CCX block reward. It would be a huge waste of electricity at this price point. As we've stated before, in the POS phase the minimum holding time is 5 days while the max is 25 days. We feel these time frames will be more than adequate to keep the block chain secure and moving along as needed. Perhaps if CCX reaches a high value in the future then the 15 CCX block reward would be worth mining.
Please keep in mind it's not always easy to hire all the people needed and do all the marketing, etc. that each person demands be done or they'll declare a coin dead. The fundamentals of cryptocurrencies are what matters the most not whether we are constantly screaming to the masses to "look at us". Our approach is, and always will be, long term. If this isn't for you then there are numerous others out there ready for you to jump on their bandwagon. We are not a corporation or a company that agreed to be bound by rules such as those set forth by regulatory agencies (i.e. stocks, mutual funds, etc.). We have not and will never force or make anyone use CCX or to "invest" in it. We try to be as transparent and available as much as we can but that may not be enough for you. If that is the case, please move on and don't waste your time or ours bashing a coin and a team that is working just as promised.
Great response. Thanks for the weigh in..it helps keep this lil' whale tethered.
Now if only I saw some staking occur in wallet since I'm passed 5 days :/
Staking may not occur until after the POW phase but accumulated coin age won't be affected.