I have been following this thread for a while as I am a great fan of Cloakcoin and have purchased quite a fair amount of them over the last 12 months.
Even though the price development has been quite dissapointing I have never lost me believe in this coin and its claim to be one of the best anonymous altcoins.
I have looked at the compare sheet and find the information very usefull and reassuring. News about XMR also confirm my believe that there is demand for a solid
and truly anonymous technology. Cloakcoin's decentralized approach in combination with CloakShield - or "Enigma" (which I find perfect) strike me as the best approach to guarantee long term anonymity.
The problem is: I know and believe, some of you know and believe - but - the world out there does not know what Cloakcoin is capable of delivering. So please, do it like me, go out and tell everybody you know, even if they dont want to hear it, that CloakCoin is the most powerful anonymous coin, with the best technology and currently totally undervalued.
I know this currency has its history, but it is never too late to make things happen and I believe that Cloakcoin will fly like an eagle in the very near future.
Undervalued today, a hot hype tomorrow.....
PS: By the way, I can see a little problem with all the folks who have their coins staked on Bittrex - currently there seem to be 2.2 Mio Cloakcoins deposited and lined up for sale.
On Livecoin the number is 22.200.
Should the Bittrex market collapse for any reason - and we all know things like this have happened, Cloakcoin will be dead with half its base gone. Just a thought....
In fact I expect there 218,032.889 clok in bittrex
Do not look to the list of sales but see the list of buying