Thanks again Rainer.
Just clearing the suffix in the line 17 and using qmake-qt4 instead qmake did the job.
Anyway the devs could fix the issue. It looks like a dirty hack for some platforms messing up when using with the other.
I'm not 100% the devs even understand Qt projects all that well. The file is almost directly copied from XC's Github repo, and that project file is a mess in its own right. Writing one from scratch really isn't rocket science. Patching it to support Linux, Win and Mac is a 10 minute job.
Honestly I'm not here to start trouble, I'm just pointing out a bit of horrible code stolen from a badly coded .pro file... I even have a patch that I'm pretty sure will work that I wrote for the XC one so I could compile my own. Try this on for size:
diff --git a/ b/
index 1070188..f6450a5 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -13,18 +13,24 @@ windows:LIBS += -lshlwapi
LIBS += $$join(BOOST_LIB_PATH,,-L,) $$join(BDB_LIB_PATH,,-L,) $$join(OPENSSL_LIB_PATH,,-L,) $$join(QRENCODE_LIB_PATH,,-L,)
LIBS += -lssl -lcrypto -ldb_cxx$$BDB_LIB_SUFFIX
windows:LIBS += -lws2_32 -lole32 -loleaut32 -luuid -lgdi32
-LIBS += -lboost_system-mgw48-mt-sd-1_55 -lboost_filesystem-mgw48-mt-sd-1_55 -lboost_program_options-mgw48-mt-sd-1_55 -lboost_thread-mgw48-mt-sd-1_55
-#LIBS += -lboost_system -lboost_filesystem -lboost_program_options -liboost_thread
+win32-g++* {
+ LIBS += -lboost_system-mgw48-mt-sd-1_55 -lboost_filesystem-mgw48-mt-sd-1_55 -lboost_program_options-mgw48-mt-sd-1_55 -lboost_thread-mgw48-mt-sd-1_55
+unix:LIBS += -lboost_system -lboost_filesystem -lboost_program_options -lboost_thread
+win32 {
+ BOOST_LIB_SUFFIX=-mgw48-mt-sd-1_55
+ BOOST_INCLUDE_PATH=C:/deps/boost_1_55_0
+ BOOST_LIB_PATH=C:/deps/boost_1_55_0/stage/lib
+ BDB_INCLUDE_PATH=c:/deps/db/build_unix
+ BDB_LIB_PATH=c:/deps/db/build_unix
+ OPENSSL_INCLUDE_PATH=c:/deps/ssl/include
+ OPENSSL_LIB_PATH=c:/deps/ssl
+ MINIUPNPC_LIB_PATH=C:/deps/miniupnpc
MOC_DIR = build
Obviously that's for XC, so it might need some tweaking, but that's the general idea.