Hold on to your bags people!
I fully expect MF to come thru with the goods. Then your weak hands can release your burden into the hands of those fitter to carry them.
Trolls and FUDsters should consider the damage they wreak on the crypto scene. It has in fact occurred to me that some of these FUDsters might even have a vested interest in debasing all of crypto currency. And seemingly positive comments such individuals issue are certainly only intended to misdirect.
I am into crypto cause I believe it is needed. BTC has a great shortcoming which may lead to a dystopian future. No anonymity.
And so it is the human race awaits a champion of truly digital anonymous cash. The less centralized the better. Perhaps it is the difficulty of this task that delays MF so. Yet I believe the CRYPT approach to anon is theoretically the most compelling
THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO REASON TO ASSUME THAT MINDFOX WILL NOT COME THROUGH.These coins are incredibly cheap. If you believe as I, that the world needs a strong anon crypto currency, you'll
put up or shut up.
Good Evening All. Esp Mindfox
ἀνδρῶν γὰρ ἐπιφανῶν πᾶσα γῆ τάφoς
Andrôn gàr epiphanôn pâsa gê táphos.
For illustrious men have the whole earth for their tomb.