I offering a bounty of 200,000 Cypher coins to the new developer
it went into discussion a couple of weeks ago - and i have yet to hear since mate ...
the coin needs a dev who is willing to work WITH the rest of us rather than just take control over it ...
its also about making something of the coin also - which is difficult when the whole purpose of the coin was a fake cryptography key in a piece of hardware that was also fake by the looks of things ...
apart from that - its PoS only now - and i would want it hardforked so we could mine it again ...
im interested only on a few prerequisites - and ive just mentioned two of them ...
bounties are one thing - and its nice to see your enthusiasm for it - but its the future ideas for development that would bring a community back to the coin ...
and mining as well on my end
Mining this crypto, again, would not be following a few macro economic rules and there are already some major new cryptos in that crowded mineable crypto market!
Therefore, you are asking existing investors to buy more Cypher or make major new BTC commitments, which makes no sense at all!
It would be cheaper to simply get a new developer and create an easier set of innovations.
That's my opinion.