Can you have dashd in usr/local/bin and still use Dashman?
no, but as a temporary workaround for 'vote' and 'status' commands you can just symlink them into ~/.dash with the following command:
ln -s /usr/local/bin/{dashd,dash-cli,dash-qt} ~/.dash
Although, unless you're on a multi-user system, there's no reason they have to live there.
Until I update dashman to deal with system installs (a small can of worms), you can just move your binaries into your dash folder and update your path with the following command:
(you'll have to remove the symlinks from the previous command first if you did that: 'rm ~/.dash/{dashd,dash-cli,dash-qt}')
sudo mv /usr/local/bin/{dashd,dash-cli,dash-qt} ~/.dash; echo 'export PATH=~/.dash:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
(then logout and log back in. now you can run 'dash-cli' from anywhere)
And does Dashman set up cronjobs to restart dashd if it should stop or crash?
no. But version 0.2 is going to do much, much more than that in a month or so...
I'm starting to get interested, LOL.
Try it out, I think you'll like it.
It's self-updating (prompts you) from my github, so updating both dashman and dashd is a breeze.
(you can automatically sync to github and run a command in one shot by doing: '
dashman sync [command]')
(as you can see, I'm constantly pushing bugfixes people let me know about: )