I think I rambled on way too much, my question/points were:
DASH needs development and needs to grow, because it's the best solution out there IMO and in other's opinion, and we want to see it take over the world.
To succeed, DASH needs to grow. It needs a super easy interface for the masses, one that makes it super easy to keep your funds safe. It needs mature services. loans? how does that work in a decentralized, deflationary economy? Stock market, other infrastructure. Unlike Banks, DASH and the masternode system lend themselves to many other solutions such as a decentralized exchange, a decentralized market place, a decentralized private internet. The sky is the limit, and it's natural for DASH to expand in these ways.
But who will pay for all this work? The potential is there, but funds are not. Are there decentralized ways to fund a decentralized autonomous corporation, perhaps using this new voting system for decision making? That could earn money to pay for future development? Does anyone see a way that this could work. It's not easy! If this entity, like Andreas Antonopoulos explains, can own it's own funds, and spend them when needed, this is very intriguing. How would projects get the green light? How would this entity be funded?
Do you think, as I do, that something like this must happen for DASH to survive into the distant future?
I have a group of dev's that have been working on a service for over a year and just not getting around to growing the integration. I've reached out Evan about the service and haven't heard back. People say they want it easy but then they actually have to make the steps to become easy. From my first day in crypto I HATED public keys. They will always be the #1 turnoff for anyone. As soon as they see them, they turn off and move on. Its just too confusing. Before the great INET, we had BBS's and those BBSs had telephone numbers. No one remembered the number but they remembered the name. DNS for websites did the same and buying a domain name was might more expensive than today. Now take that and apply it to crypto. (Did I mention I HATE public keys.)
OneName.io ties, but I don't feel it has any legs. Namecoin tried but thats really just the datastore and not the end game. I've made investments in NMC, Ether, and MAIDSafe in hopes they will provide the backend for a fully distributed and easy to use datastore. Right now, thats not the case.
I've created a service with a group of devs called "Vanikey". Its pretty much a DNS for public keys and we can grow it from there. Single Vanikey can be associated to ANY coin or hash and you can have just one Vanikey for many public keys for the same coin. We built the service on an elastic infrastructure so we know it can scale but this is only short term, it looks centralized but we hope to get it distributed as it grows. Just about done with the SSL implementation...
Right now we implementing the service inside the Bitcoin QT wallet. Just about done, totally secure, but this is just a demo of how we can use it. John can pay Susan. Pretty simple stuff. We don't need EMAILS to mark our online identity.. We don't even need a username and password... We just need something easy to use and understand.
SO. My ask. I would like to use this service with DASH and get things moving. Right now we charge to register a Vanikey ($6) but we can skip that for the DASH community. We have developers that can help fill any holes or issues the group feels need to be fixed and we also have resources to help integrate the services into any other system that is out there. We are also working with Factom as a 3rd party to show that any key served up by our services has not been modified.
We can even use the DASH QT wallet to create the Vanikey so you never have to use our site. Looking for the BEST solution for the end user. Why can't John just pay Susan. This whole Xazjg6a7dt7uUtE1FGhxaRAaSvR7QVA2p! pays Xazjg6a7dt7uUtE1FGhxaRAaSvR7QVA33 is just crap. You don't have to stop being private when you want to but for god sakes, I'm just talking about your PUBLIC keys. You have public keys on your tags and you sites have them as donation links. these should all be readable and thats it. I want to donate to the dash foundation. ok, send 5 DASH to DashFoundation. simple.
Please check out our site and our FAQ. I'll be posting the QT wallet video and all the code required to integrate once complete. Please reach out if you have questions. This entire project had no funding and we have not asked for a dime. Right now I'm looking for your thoughts on how to make things easier and if Vanikey feels like a fit, then we remove the cost of registering for Dash users, we put some dev resources to help integrate it, and become the FIRST crypto to use a name lookup service that will work not only for one coin but for all coins.
Thanks guys. website =
www.vanikey.comhit me up,
[email protected]Til later! Also, I am happy to be a part of this community and have 7 MNs and very close to adding another 3.