Actually, my SWOT analysis of April / May 2014 still stands up reasonably well:
SWOT Analysis
Darkcoin and eCash payment networks have appealing properties compared to other payment tools, but there are also risks and threats.
* Decentralised payment protocol
* Anonymity built into the wallet
* Full time developer and dedicated development team
* Use of established, tested and trusted processes
* Anonymity nodes require minimum wallet funds to join the network. Creating a cost barrier to attackers. Nodes can be financially penalised for misbehaving.
* Existing alt-coins attempting to integrate darkcoin's mixing anonymity system risk destabilizing their network. This creates a barrier to entry for established currencies and puts them at a competitive disadvantage
* Merchants focusing on Bitcoin
* Small development team compared to Bitcoin and Litecoin
* Darkcoin long-term identity still being developed
* Branding may create unintended association with illegal use
* Hangover problems from launch in January 2014 with excessive coins minted remains a barrier for some
* Untested regulatory framework
* Development for the small start-up team is sequential and has yet to create a strategy for faster growth and parallel work streams for marketing, payment processor engagement, third party app development. The main focus is technical development.
* Leadership and team structure is still to be established
* As with the majority of alt-coins, their long-term average value is pegged to Bitcoin.
* Mainstream adoption as eCash.
* Development of new innovations linked to anonymous transactions such as decentralised anonymous corporations, decentralised market places, use on smartphones as pocket eCash
* Creation of strong anonymity node network which is paid to participate leading to financial incentives for new participants to create nodes for financial gain.
* USA regulators have indicated that anonymity is not a barrier to eCash. Identity checking at fiat entry and exist points is more important to regulators.
* As anonymous eCash, Darkcoin has the ability to free float its price and detach from Bitcoin if its anonymity feature is recognised by third parties and merchants as a valuable privacy tool beyond that of Bitcoin and Litecoin
* Adoption by larger exchanges will be determined by volume. The anonymity features of Darkcoin make high volume use more likely at an earlier stage than most other forms of crypto currency.
* Based on Bitcoin code, Darkcoin could beat very strong competition by being easier to integrate into existing systems that have already introduced Bitcoin or Litecoin
* Darkcoin technology is or will be open source. Clones can therefore spend more of their time focusing on marketing and eating into Darkcoin market share.
* Excessively used by bad actors for illegal purposes may create negative brand association over the medium term which may put off consumer focused merchants
* Launch of new anonymity protocols which offer better anonymity features
* Development team remains small and unable to scale the project
* Early success causing distractions and loss of focus for core team from technical and project development
* Development of Bitcoin sidechains which, when eventually made available, could link anonymity features to bitcoin transactions