There is no link to wallet address A, but there IS a link to the change address (let's call that address C).
After darksend is complete, if the user purchased goods with address C on a site that contained personal information - he would be outing himself as the user who performed the darksend transaction to user B (above). The change address needs to be sent back through a second wash to remove the link between C and B.
He would only be outed if the attacker was in possession of his unencrypted wallet, with both the sending address and the receiving change address providing that information. Can't see how change address C is linkable to sending address A by inspecting the blockchain? If it is, then you're right of course, I'm often a dunce.
Lets break this down to improve clarity:
A wants to send 2 coins to E
B wants to send 3 coins to F
A sends the masternode 10 coins, and address C (C is the change address)
B sends the masternode 10 coins, and address D (D is the change address)
The masternode will mix the coins and output:
2 coins to E
8 coins to C
3 coins to F
7 coins to D
It will be impossible to tell whether A sent coins to E&C or F&D. It is possible however to say that whoever holds address C sent 2 coins to E. Now if user A wants to buy something on amazon with DRK, and uses the coins at address C, amazon (or anyone who has compromised amazon's servers) can determine with 100% certainty that user A sent 2 coins to E in the earlier darksend transaction. If the coins are darksent to amazon then there wouldn't be a problem I guess. Really the coins at address C should be automatically washed after the transaction to maintain anonymity in case the user non-darksends them later on.
Alternatively it could be set up like this:
A wants to send 2 coins to X
B wants to send 3 coins to Y
A sends the masternode 10 coins, and address C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J (8 different change addresses)
B sends the masternode 10 coins, and address K,L,M,N,O,P,Q (7 different change addresses)
The masternode will mix the coins and output:
2 coins to X
3 coins to Y
1 coin each to C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q
That would solve the problem completely, but you would be able to determine who the recipients are.
Even better would be:
2 coins to X
3 coins to Y
2 coin each to C,D,K
3 coins each to E,M,N
1 coin to H,Q
Then you wouldn't even be able to tell who are the intended receiving addresses.