Keeping Darkcoin on the front page of these forums wouldn't be difficult, but it should be done in a way that this huge cluster of a thread is not the first thing people see.
Small, concise bites of positive information regarding updates, rollouts, new features, status, etc. on a regular basis. Hit it hard then drop it. Show people constant progress with a new headline subject line that they can chew on every week (or every few days or whatever), taking care not to tread into spam territory. Hammer and reinforce the main tenets of privacy, anonymity, security etc. and why we are different and better than any other coin on offer, in every new thread. While we're at it, direct as much traffic to darkcointalk as possible.
There is a lot of baggage (and a lot of good info, of course) in this thread. It's too big and too messy to expect a newcomer to digest.
Yes, excellent idea to guide the conversation via changes in the header/title for the week. Actually, I don't think anyone has ever done that before. Something like totally obvious, like "this week, what do you see as the pros and cons of anonymity?" Something that guides the conversation toward why DRK is great "Ways to get storefronts to embrace DRK" If a subject seems exhausted, we could change it on a daily basis, but always guiding it, and maybe have a suggestion topic thread on
Right. "How Darkcoin's DarkSend feature achieves anonymity and why this is superior to xyz method."
I would prefer an entirely new thread for each topic though. I suspect it would be easier to keep the discussion focused and it would give us a valid reason to hit different forums or subsections (depending on the particular topic) without looking like spam kiddies.
Again, this is the sort of strategy discussion that should be kept behind closed doors until it's ready to be rolled out.
The trouble is that this ANN forum is the most popular one and it takes less than 20 minutes of inactivity to fall off the front page. It's not trivial to stay on the front page as you're saying. If this becomes niche and darkcointalk dominates, then we'll be off it 90+% of the time, reducing the number of newcomers. I recommend using both equally.
Only way to find out is to put one together and post it I suppose. Anything else is conjecture.
I think it's important to use both communities. DarkcoinTalk as a dedicated place for Darkcoin specifically, and here because the majority of cryptocurrency users look here first.
I agree. Finding and registering for another forum is a higher barrier than the size of this thread. Experience shows that many people just won't bother.
My first post was what came to mind as I was typing - this idea evolved as the day went on. My suggestion is not that we don't use both communities. Just the opposite, actually. Continue to use bitcointalk to generate interest, but in a smarter way. Hook them here, then reel them in to darkcointalk.
Having said that, bitcointalk cannot be the be the final word in spreading the word if DRK (or crypto in general) is ever to be adopted on a mass scale. That thinking is way too small. The idea of making DRK a coin your parents could use is worth further consideration. If crypto is ever going to be anything more than an obscure novelty for nerds and investors, it must be made dead simple to use without losing any of it's technological edge. Be the first to figure out how to do that, then pair it with DarkSend and market it well, and we've really got something.