Tell me, WHY on earth would i care about anonymous transactions if i wanted to buy Amazon Gift Cards?
I don't know why, I never do anything illegal, but I am anal about privacy. family members are tagging photos of me on facebook, and I cringe, I freak out! I can't explain it, but yes, I want my checkbook closed to outside eyes.
I'm already exposed, I've lost my privacy. Anyone can find me if they wanted to. My Sister and Mother use their real names on facebook, I can't imagine doing that, LOL, but I am being worn down. However, I truly think that it's not a good thing.
Why would i care about anonymous transactions? I don't know, I just do! It's not the one transaction, but the habits being recorded. Believe me, if there is a way for marketing people to do it, they'll figure out where you shop, what you buy, what boggles my mind is that so many people
don't care!