Yes. The only scenario that takes market share away from dark will be if bitcoin implements CoinJoin directly, which according to the thread is a long ways off (if it ever even happens). This coin shines even brighter (or darkens even darker if we keep with the theme) when you look at the hashing functions and the quicker block times compared to bitcoin.
That said, all the technology for this coin is still in alpha (or doesn't exist) and is closed source at the moment. Buy at your own risk, YMMV.
When I got into bitcoin I told my grandfather that no matter what, there was a black market that operated within its confines and would continue to do so, even if a white market never developed, thus preserving/increasing it's value (barring catastrophic outcomes). I'm thinking the same thing will happen with darkcoin. That said, I hope, as I did with bitcoin, that a larger white market develops.
The black market NEEDS darkcoin, the white market WANTS it. So far, so good.
disclaimer: I don't condone doing illegal shit
coinmarketcap says: 3,403,074 DRK