We said we'd give you a more detailed, but still broad, breakdown of the ways the ICO purchase patterns have been throughout the first week of DigitalGold Nugget availability. We hope this is helpful to both existing owners of SAFT documents and those considering jumping in and grabbing themselves some Nuggets for themselves before the ICO closes.
Most buyers are buying more than the 10,000 floor that gets them the 20% bonus so the effective average nugget ownership is close to 170,000. It's a higher figure than we expected, although the main point of note is that like any arithmetic mean, the figure can be skewed either way by numbers a long way from the average. In our case, we have had a small number of very high purchases - we're talking four, five times higher than the average, and one or two more than that. If we stripped out the very highest and very lowest payments then the average would certainly be lower. But as a strict mean, the figure is what it is.
Day Zero 60,000,000 (total available for sale at the start of the ICO)
Day One 47,000,000
Day Two 38,000,000
Day Three 29,000,000
Day Four 23,000,000
Day Five 15,000,000
Day Six [in progress at time of posting]
We expect a further 'last 24 hour' rush before our prices for the remaining Nuggets changes at 1600 UTC Saturday June 9th, especially with the rapidly decreasing amount available.
Again, processing times were a lot higher than this earlier on, and are lower than that now - the mean affected by the crazy initial 24-48 hours of the ICO. Remember, this is not after you pay - this is the time after your send in your 'application' - the email stating how many Nuggets you wish to buy, until the time we compile and send a payment invoice to you.
This represents the time between when you send the BTC payment to your unique payment account address and the time that we prepare, check and email you the SAFT document and access codes for the Nuggets further down the line. We changed our processing system after a couple of days to lower this time at the expesne of a slightly higher Invoice creation time - the logic being that investors are going to be more impatient waiting to receive their actual SAFT document than for a payment invoice. It's worked well, has been popular, and investors can now expect speedy expedition of their payment and the corresponding sending of the SAFT to them.
NUGGET AVAILABILITY TIMEFRAME: Total allocation expected to be sold by 12th-14th June
We've had to constantly bring the estimated ICO Close date back sooner and sooner as the demand has generally exceeded our predictions and expectations, especially on the higher volume purchase side. Originally we expected the ICO to sell out by early in the third week, then towards the end of the second week. At one stage after Day Two, we even panicked that the sale could complete in Week One, which we felt would be a little too soon for those many investors who quite fairly want to watch from the sidelines and decide over time whether to invest or not - we've had a number of emails from such potential buyers. At least now things have stabilised it looks like we will go into Week Two with some Nuggets still available, and we expect all the largest purchases will have been made by Saturday, when the price of Nuggets increases. We could be caught out and surprised by the usual '24 hour rush' before an ICO price increase though, so please don't delay too long if you still want to invest or are thinking about putting more funds into Nuggets.
Thank you all for your incredible support in terms of not just money, but emails, messages and even offers of technical support should we require it. Fortunately, we have a world class team in terms of coders, cryptography and similar, and we are right on track for our release schedule. But that doesn't mean we don't appreciate all the offers!
Hope you've enjoyed this longer update - we are always keen and willing to keep the community that is making DigitalGold what it is fully updated on our progress.
Mr Nugget, Project Director and Founder, DigitalGold
Interesting summary. Would love to know how much the biggest guys were but you're right not to reveal them. good that you respect the buyers privacy. Curious though! Maybe 4 or 5 BTC? If you get hodlers from years ago its possible. Good for Digitalgold and all of us anyway!