Looking at the history, the current Devs took over from the original ones who handed it off at some point. They basically have been working on this coin even when it bottomed out at 25 satoshis. So my guess is they hold a nice stake in the coin from buying low, but there are also other folks who hold this coin.
The reality is the coin is significantly undervalued. They have a dedicated team who have been working and accomplishing targeted goals. The total supply is about 300 million, about 200 million which has been mined, unlike some coins which number in the billions. Its sell walls are also relatively weak in comparison. The foundation has a stake, but I have seen it used for projects they back based on the foundations mission.
This is just my opinion though, and you may agree or disagree. I have been lurking for a few years, I have seen the worst when it was 25, and I have seen its current highs. The dedication of the current devs should be commended. They have pushed forward with both the lows and highs for years.
then there are those like us ( cwi ) ...
we hold NO coins - but are more than happy to support ( and subsequently be part of ) a team that are dedicated and 'good' people ... as well as 'devs' ...
this is a good project - see it for what it is ...
you are delusional if you support a coin you don't hold = that's silly rabbit
I know one more supporter that has no coins at all
so what exactly are you supporting?
Bluelab is the lead tech/coder for the coin. It is on the foundations website. He and his team is the one who is behind all the recent upgrades to the coin.
i'm one of the key supporters of this project that's why i ask
hmmm - thats interesting ...
so do you support your government? ... all they stand for? ... all they do? ...
no? ... then why do you follow what they TELL you to do? ...
we are in this project - and will help all we can - for one reason only ... because we 'believe' ... in the project - in the goals - and more importantly - in the people ...
this does not mean we NEED to have a stake in the coin itself - though that would be nice ... all it means is that a good project is just that ... a good project ...
emc2 has some GOOD people behind it - and some good people developing the backend AND the frontend ... it is a project that seems to be on the right side of the fence ... ie - not 'just' for the money ... so we support it in any way we can ... cwi is not about cash - as much as any business requires cash ... cwi is about the project - and the people ...
i personally have told a dev to get stuffed and refused to deal with him again - adam howell of dopecoin - purely on the basis that he was an arrogant ass - that EXPECTED and not ASKED and DEMANDED as we or i owed him something ... we had no coins from them - no help - no thanks ... so to hell with him and his project ... while our infrastructure grows because we WANT to help - his project grows from the greed that comes from pushing to get a project to make money ... do i or cwi carry dopecoin - or ever will? ... nope! ...
but later - emc2 will be one of coins we will carry in the cwi-fund when things get as big as we expect them to ... our vps systems for seednodes are already 25 - growing to number of 70 soon ... thats not to mention the dedicated servers we have for our various developments ...
so silly rabbit? ... no - we dont think so ... emc2 is a good project we are more than happy to help with - even if our help ( and stake ) is small ... because there are GOOD people involved in this project - unlike some other projects out there ... and just for general information only - we DO have our own coins ( ozziecoin ( ozc ) - droidz ( drz ) - influxcoin ( infx ) - and our flagship coin granite (grn ) ) - so we are not about just pushing the 'coin factor' to fill our pockets ...
apologies for the rant - but - as far as the guys behind emc2 ... we will work with them anytime we can ...
Nice words, thanks crysx
I would like to add that the rich list, like the block explorer is displaying it, might not show the full reality. A lot of people keep their assets in exchanges and there for they are unaccounted on the rich list, large exchange holdings on the other hand side, are.
As for myself as a supporter of the project, yes, theoretically I would appear on this list. Simply because I refrain from using the mined coins to cover electricity, servers, ISP costs and so on, I rather pay those out of my own pocket and keep the earnings for the intention of the project - science and all the cool stuff which comes along with it. There are going to be really cool projects which will require a lot more than our project can initially cover at least when the platform is going to be launched, and being a part of that is for me as well as most of our team much more valuable than stacking some coins, selling them with profit and go to bed just to wake up in the same world like yesterday. We have the power to change this world to the better and this is what it's all about.
So live long and prosper .\\// and don't forget to keep on rockin' .|..|