received this message, was surprised to see AID, NXT, and OPAL on it
" exchange news!
We have to free up server resources for new coins by delisting some coins which have consistently low trading volume.
The following coins will be removed on February, 10th if their average trading volume for the last week has not exceeded 0.1 BTC/day:
Abundance [ABC2], AidBit [AID], Snowballs [BALLS], GlobalBoost-Y [BSTY], BitMiles [BTMI], CataloniaCoin [CATC], X-Children [CHILD], CheckCoin [CKC], CzechCrownCoin [CZC], DigitalPrice [DP], DayTraderCoin [DTC], EthereumDark [ETD], EventToken [EVENT], FindYouCoin [FIND], Plankton [FOOD], GamerholicCoin [GHC], GIMPcoin [GIMP], HTMLCoin [HTML5], KingdomCoin [KING], Kryptonite [KRYP], LFTCCoin [LFTC], MalibuCoin [MAL], MetalCoin [METAL], MewnCoin [MEWN], Magnetz [MGT], MasterCoin [MSC], NiceCoin [NIC], NewWorldOrderCoin [NWO], NXT [NXT], Opal [OPAL], PeleStock [PLCS], PROZ [PROZ], PesetaCoin [PTC], QibuckCoin [QBK], QuickSilver [QSLV], PotatoCoin [SPUDS], SquallCoin [SQC], Stable [STB], Unitus [UIS], RhinoCoin [XRC], ServX [XSX], ZeroVert [ZER].
Please, withdraw, trade or sell these coins before February, 10th after which retrieval of any remaining balances for these coins will not be possible anymore.
Thank You for using our exchange!
Sincerely, Team."
Please safely support all of the exchanges that are hosting our coin, ESPECIALLY the ones who have low prices and good customer service.
It has come to my attention that there is at least one person who ordered a perk during the CF campaign but did not receive it as of yet.
If you contributed to the campaign, elected to have a perk but have not received it please place a comment on the campaign page
indicating the following: campaign donation amount, date of donation, perk requested, and the address for perk fulfillment.
I'm asking for it to be placed as a comment at the campaign instead of as a email communication or forum post (although those could
be done in addition) to make sure that all campaign admins are clear on what you want done, and that inventory is properly
accounted for.
If you identify yourself without providing a perk fulfillment address (your EMC2 address) I will not know where to send your perk.
Please provide all of the info so that I could finalize this campaign. If you ordered a perk in error, or no longer want the perk,
please let me know.