Just signed up to post but I've been following this and mining since about 3 days after launch. I'm a big fan of science and therefore I hope this coin does really well. Big news today about the observation of gravity waves; potential for Nobel prizes if that all checks out. But probably not the kind of science in need of funding at this point...
I've only got my old gaming rig with a 5850 to mine with but I'm giving it all I've got (which is about 0.33MH/s). For science!
I'm interested in seeing how the first round of funding goes and what type of science gets chosen. I think someone previously mentioned that it wouldn't be something being commercialised but more towards the research side of things. I understand the foundation is going to provide more guidance on this soon and filter down the nominated projects. Either way I'm keen to see how it all goes. I personally hope our funding goes towards something where it can make a difference. So I guess that counts out things like ITER for now I see a lot of articles come out on research that has the potential to improve life as we know it but it seems to take so long to reach implementation. Hopefully we can speed some of that along.
Some of my favourite topic areas are physics, alternative energy, chemistry, regenerative medicine...
Here are some recent links:
Huge potential there. Are these are the sort of things that might benefit from funding?
Also, if anyone is interested and doesn't know about it there's a facebook group that provides information on science developments (I'm not affiliated, I'm just a fan). it's called "I fxxxing love science" <-- but uses the actual adult word (I'm not sure about the language rules here)
I'm planning on joining a P2P pool but I'm not sure about a few things.
1. I'm in Australia and the best latency node is a US one with about 170ms. Is that worthwhile? (I'm not keen on setting up my own node)
2. I've got cgminer 3.7.2 can I just adjust the batch file like so:
cgminer --scrypt -I 16 -g 1 -w 128 --lookup-gap 2 --gpu-engine 775 --gpu-memclock 1125 --auto-fan --thread-concurrency 7200 -o stratum+tcp://p2pool.einsteinium.org:41876 -u EXY2zCqc4rXWJ8uS2KqcLtee7N9zAGMitA -p x
Keep my other settings? Or should I not set hardware options?
I don't need a failover? (I think this one is automatic)
There was something about setting a difficulty?