Please guys, help me, i have to do that right now and still can't find any.
Its on the first page of this thread but I understand using a website is alot less involved for most. I've always thought crypto will eventually follow the path of least resistance basically because the wider world will favour whichever path is easiest. I'll also send a pm to suggest googling crex24 for your deposit question in case you miss this thread reply as I often do tbh. I believe there is even a website that will stake coins on behalf of its users though I've not used it myself.
Heres the exchange also listed on the first page of this thread - Download link for both Windows and Linux versions:!uc0XmCra!73JBKfnmbdImd_9H_nXtRQThe above mega link also contains a standalone deb installer for Ubuntu Mate. Please note that this special deb installer works only on
rasberry Pi version of Ubuntu Mate.
detail information about the latest EnergyCoin Core release.
EnergyCoin Core v.1.6 for Mac OSX is also available for
Wallet folder:
~/Library/Application Support/EnergyCoin
this if you want run Mac OSX wallet in special folder.
Official Energycoin.Conf:splitblkfiles=1
Start staking your EnergyCoin wallet is easy and for MacOSX users:
Okay for a bootstrap to be recognised you have to put it in the EnergyCoin folder in Application Support.
To get to Application Support he needs to do the following:
1. Press cmd+shift+g, type in ~/Library/Application Support/EnergyCoin and press enter.
2. Copy the bootstrap.dat there and run the wallet.
If you are a new ENRG user or you just want to speed up your client sync process, you can download the latest EnergyCoin blockchain data from our
EnergyCoin Bootstrap ServerEnergyCoin is an open-sourced project. Full source code is available on
Githubalso EnergyParty on GithubI've quoted the section from the first page of this thread that might help if you want to setup a wallet to stake ENRG coins.