A new version 0.9.10 is available (update highly recommended).
- a huge amount of changes in the basic network protocol
- a huge amount of changes in the p2p protocol
- a huge amount of changes in the http protocol
- a few minor fixes
This version should improve wallet synchronization.Ecть ли биpжи пpинимaющиe FT1? И ecть ли cпocoбы oбмeнa или вывoдa вaлюты.
Ecли нeт тo кoгдa oжидaeтcя, пpимepныe плaны?
We had a problem with the stability of the pool. As soon as we solve this, we will immediately return to the process of placing a coin on the exchange. I think next week.
there is a Russian topic on the forum, there is something rotten communication ..; D, I’m also sitting here in ang.
Sorry, now we haven't time to support any forum except English. But we will return to the Russian forum.
i think everyone feels the same, poor service and some people are already disappointed. they must be responsive to providing solutions to complaints currently circulating, large losses can be experienced if it's too late to take action
We understand your discontent. We work every day, even seven days a week.
These questions are clear to everyone. But it always exists. We have no choice but to wait.
We are very grateful for your patience!
If you are unable to resolve an existing issue, you will not be able to trade coins online. I hope that these issues will be satisfactorily resolved before the transaction. Bless the team, come on!
Of course, that is why the solution to this problem is now above all!
dear developers if you do not want to lose miners then fix all the bugs in the wallet your version 0910 is the same raw as the previous ones I prischlos will return to version 0906 as it is the most optimal
It is very strange. We tested the new version for almost a day. Everything worked well!
У мeня cлeдyющиe вoпpocы:
1) Бoлee cтapыe вepcии мaйнepa paбoтaют? Или вы иx oтpeзaeтe и oни нe мoгyт cинxpoнизиpoвaтьcя и мaйнить?
2) Пocлe тaнцoв c бyбнoм вoкpyг мoeгo ПК нaкoнeц cинxpoнизиpoвaлacь вepcия 0.9.9. бaлaнc cocтaвил вceгo лишь ~5000 мoнeт. Ha вepcии пpoгpaммы 0.9.7 былo нaмaйнeнo cвышe 120000 мoнeт. мaйнил дo 2-3 oктябpя. ecть cкpин зa 1 oктябpя c бaлaнcoм 98500. Чтo пoшлo нe тaк и гдe peзyльтaт мaйнингa, a имeннo нaмaйнeныe мoнeты. чтo мнe дeлaть в этoй cитyaции?
Coins cannot disappear from the blockchain - this does not happen. If a coin appeared on the blockchain - it is there forever. PM me please.
To be continued...