Open your miner.ini and place inside "das1JcY63vgLncmFHRdXQDiC1WU3PfQcp5iYpgXppFXvcv4iQaDbUB3jGxjT78teVegAxgF3SE19Ge2
the new wallet works , but we need more peers! there is only 1-2 peers now !
We planned to add new nodes last weekend. But we were forced to throw all our forces into releasing an emergency update. Today or tomorrow we will do it. Nodes in China and North America will be added.
1 when will the blockchain and it is not clear that we mine and where 2 why so much weighs 5 gigabytes wallet 3 why everything stops working when you turn on the vpn address 4 why the reaction of the wallet and the miner to run other annologichnyh programs 6 and it is not clear where we are mining to whom and what until there is a blockchain
I do not quite understand your questions 1 and 6.
Now the blockchain weighs 1.3GB. Explore your date folder to see where you got another 4GB.
You should start a VPN before start a wallet and mining.
People gradually lose interest, but some people can't see it. This is sad
Even large corporations take time to change their products. Why are you waiting for instant product changes from a team of just the few people? We are doing everything we can and beyond that.
Maybe my opinion is wrong, it will make the team feel uncomfortable, but I want to remind you
We appreciate any and all feedback from our community.
Maybe my opinion is wrong, it will make the team feel uncomfortable, but I want to remind you
if you read the forum, I previously wrote to the developers about the same problems .. promised to be corrected.
ecли вы читaли фopyм, paнee я yжe paзpaбoтчикaм пиcaл, o тaкиx жe пpoблeмax.. oбeщaли иcпpaвитcя.
But what did you see corrected?
more more bugs
50% fixed
Sadly, the team can't see this and has no ability to change. As a fan, I am very sad.
In addition, we are working to resolve a problem in the pool. We very often release large and serious wallet updates. Why do you think there are no changes?
Can you stop russian flood please
Russian community, please use the Russian forum for Russian language. We will support this again for your convenience.
it's time to build an official discord / telegram group so people can join the community and solve the problem together!
The project is interesting but seems there is only 1 dev, and everything is unclear.
We will be happy to add new communication channels as soon as we can provide their full support. I think that this will happen immediately after placing the coin on the exchanges or even earlier.
I apologize for criticism and persistent message bugs ..
Honestly, I just, as you see, have been following a project for a long time such as cryptocurrencies.
I just really wish the development project and I want it to go up ... and that 1 currency costs $ 1-15, it’s even enough for me to realize the necessary plans for other purposes and combine it with the same project.
я извиняюcь зa кpитикy и пocтoянныe бaги cooбщeния..
Чecтнo я пpocтo кaк видитe дaвнo cлeжy зa пpoeктoм тaкиe кaк кpиптoвaлюты.
Я пpocтo peaльнo жeлaю пpoeктy paзвития и xoчy чтo бы oн пoднялcя.. и и чтo бы 1 вaлютa cтoилa пo 1-15 дoллapoв дaжe мнe впoлнe xвaтит чтo бы пoтoм peaлизoвaть нyжныe плaны нa дpyгиe цeли пpи этoм c этим жe пpoeктoм coвмeщaя eщe.
Thx for your support.