Many better known crytocurrencies had more problems and nobody quit, now with small problems lot of people are negative? Trolling is always welcome so we know that this crypto is the best one. People are trolling, seeding negative energy to try to ruin us, but we are stronger and stronger! I believe in this project and I will believe! Everyone have to do the same!
Thx all for your support! It's priceless!
The overall network computing power has dropped by nearly 50%, but the output has become lower?
No, that’s just the opposite. Although we are not yet promoting the project, the number of miners is growing every day. Currently, the pool just lags and periodically crashes. Due to lags and failures, downtimes occurred that are compensated by the difficulty calculation algorithm by reducing difficulty.
Everyone needs to calm down. They're working on it. Tons of coins have issues when starting out. I'm personally impressed they've come this far. If a crypto had a few hiccups in its first month or two of life, I doubt a lot of them would even exist. Even the big ones have had issues at some point.
Indeed, it would be nice if the intensity of emotions decreased. We are not against emotions, but forum moderators may perceive this as negative.
PS1. Tomorrow we will add two more initial nodes. It will also have to help improve synchronization.
PS2. Comrades from China, can you please tell me where in Asia it is best to place a node so that you have a good connection with it? We use the Amazon (AWS).
1) Good day my wallet in 30784 block in not update...
2) Mining work!
3) I sent you a business proposal on the site how to raise the price and help you raise money for development in another currency.
Let's get together. and we will help you, too, and we will all be in business.
4) I understand what the problem is! you have an Amazon server! and they are blocked in the middle of Russia. use our local servers .. They are 4 times cheaper than from Amazon.
05:26:29 I PeerDB PeerDB peer banned, reason= advance_state exception ex=Command too big cmd=1001 size=8648 max_size=5824
05:26:39 I P2P Connecting to=
05:26:39 I PeerDB PeerDB peer banned, reason= advance_state exception ex=Command too big cmd=1001 size=8744 max_size=5824
1) Heт cинxpoнизaции c 30784 блoкa.
2) Maйнинг paбoтaeт cчитaeт дeйcтвия
3) я oтпpaвил вaм пpeдлoжeниe нa caйтe пo-cчeт yлyчшeния caйтa и coтpyдничecтвa кaк вaм пoмoщь в paзвитии в нaчaльнoй cтaдии..
4) Я пoнимaю в чeм пpoблeмa! y вac cepвepa Aмaзoн! a oни в пoлoинe Poccии - зaблoкиpoвaны. иcпoльзyйтe нaши мecтныe cepвepa.. Oни дeшeвлe, в 4 paзa чeм oт aмaзoн.