New version of my client available!
now it's 20:30 and i'm still @ office, so i'll explain tomorrow with a detailed post, all new things added
here the link to download: course you'll need to update huntercoin qt/daemon to latest version since fork is coming in few hours
at the moment old client is still valid, but tomorrow you'll be forced to download the new one
hope i haven't added untested bugs, i've added/changed really a lot of things
to have a partial clue about things added, here the partial changelog:
- Behaviours System
* Implemented the concept of Generic Behaviour
special behaviours that aren't bound to a specific hunter but at system level, thus they can create players and assign behaviours to them.
an example of a generic behaviour could be the CoinRunners behaviour, where at every disaster it generate a configured number of hunters to collect
coins over the map. In the configuration GUI, generic behaviours tab indicator has a red background
* Deep changes on the overall Behaviours SDK
* Implemented the concept of Action.
any behaviour could expose "actions" with parameters, that are available through hunters context menues and will allow to execute the programmed action
e.g. "follow target", "go to bank", etc...
* Improved behaviours configuration interface.
* New "Delete" button, to delete a configuration
* New available property types available
- Now is possible to select a coordinate easier clicking on a button next to the coordinate property, to write current selected cell coordinate
- A special property allow to select one or more currently available configuration, useful to generic behaviours to specify which concrete
behaviours they can assign
* Remote Debug System
implemented a remote debug system that allow to enable the debugger on the game client and send data to a remote debugger connected to it
useful to people who will want to create behaviours (see some pics here
- Changes to Behaviours
* Removed the StepOut property. Since now players aren't killed after they stay for more than 30 blocks on spawn area, this settings isn't useful
* Coordinates now are expressed as Coordinate type, e.g. the Target Area property now replace the old two Target Area X and Target Area Y properties.
Note: this mean old SimpleCollector/SimpleHeartseeker aren't valid
- Console Improvements
* Removed button, to send a command just press enter
* Implemented an history to store last 20 commands entered (use arrow up/down to browse history when focus is on the console textbox)
- Main Window Improvements
* Grid Navigation
when one of the main grid has the focus (grid in MyTroop, Cell Info and Targets windows), you can use arrow up/down to change the selection, the
result is the same as clicking on the row. Pressing enter is like doubleclicking on the row.
Note: in My Troop window, that contains two linked grids (player->hunters), when the focus is on the player grid, pressing the right arrow set the
focus on the hunter grid, while if the focus is on the hunters grid, pressing left set the focus on the players grid
- Send Money
* Added a field to specify a TAG to attach to a transaction, useful for further implementation (contests, to pay fee for another user, etc...)
* Added a confirmation dialog before sending coins
- Protocol Handler
* Implemented a protocol handler, to be able to interact with the client from a web page (e.g. a link to hucme://?find=mmb.2&zoom=1.5 will find the hunter mmb.2 and center it, with a zoom level of 1.5)
This feature will be improved to allow an high interactivity from web pages, so users can implement their own utility web pages, and in future will be
implemented an easier fee system to pay from website and a brand new Contest feature to subscribe to special ingame contest that will allow player to win prizes