HP Pavilion Entertainment PC
Windows 7 Home Premium
Intel (R) Core (TM)2 CPU T5500 @ 1.66 GHz
2.0 GB RAM
32 bit operating system
Actually I got this computer for some other people to try and do coin stuff with. Was going to set up Huntercoin client and Mithril then let them use it. They are people who do not have easy access to a computer, for various reasons, and if I got Huntercoin running on this computer there would probably be someone on the computer playing 24/7.
Is there an older version of some client that might allow this computer to mine HUC?
All Qt client windows builds are 32bit, don't even know what a GPU is, and allow all CPU threads to idle if idle (so old laptop won't die heat death).
"Biggest" Qt version with extended gamestate need ~680MB memory, and win7 with crap disabled ("foobar diag something service", "windows search") less than 800MB if on a machine with 2GB of physical memory. It will probably take 30+ minutes to get the node up and running though.
Perhaps try a different OS. It's always easy to go back to Windows7 (has this official 120 days demo version, 32bit iso too)