This project has a potential but give us more info about this appcoins.But nevertheless its a good one.
New project, new possibility. I hope appcoin will be gain great achievement in short time.
A new way of app development here.Nice one.The concept of this thing is so different amongst others.Hope it would be a success.
I just stumbled upon this project while I was browsing around medium, I've seen your partnership with Indorse and I got really interested. I've read your whitepaper and wow I'm impressed, it's the first that I've encounter a project that offers a proof of attention, this is a huge plus, this can benefit not just the advertisers but the users as well, users can gain incentives while advertisers can reach a bigger market. You've also stated that you're going to incorporate this project to some applications, seeing that you're in partnership with aptoid, I don't find that quite impossible. Overall I see such a big potential with this project, if everything on the roadmap will be carry out properly then this project is going to the moon.
Investment aspect to appcoin is unique, just like a saving account that generate interest every month, only that interest in appcoin is better
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