The balance is showing on mac
When i log in from my windows PC, balance does not show.
Is there a trick to connect my Windows PC to my account
I downloaded metagate on my PC
Correct. You have your wallet on your computer. In metagate folder
You mean it is a different wallet than the one i created on mac
You not only need to log in on your PC, but also manually transfer wallet files from Mac to PC. This is because MH does not store your private keys, for your own safety.
How can i do that. Please guide me.
Got to the MHC folder on Mac
Where you have saved the private key
Transfer it to your other PC, go to the same MHC folder there (it should be empty) and paste the private key file in there. Then reload the MetaGate and you must once again see your coins)
When i created account on mac, it just gave me wallet address to send ether. Where it would have stored private key on my mac?
So you haven't yet withdrawed MHC from your ICO profile?
Ok. I got it. I need to create metawallet
ICO profile only gives address for depositing. Am i right?
Yes, you need to pass KYC and then you can add a withdraw address