Saw on Telegram that SOMA had an angel investor before the ICO started!
An angel investor of $6M!! That is just huge!
Someone really believes in this start-up! Knowing that this project already got a 6M USD funding, it blows my mind
This is great news!
hm.. I seen on their site, that 6 mln tokens sold now. But this is lees that 6 mln $
Or this counter for crowdsale only?
Is there any link to an article about this that is more reliable then a telegram message? An angel investor that put in 6m is pretty good, usually angel
investors have very good buseniss knowledge so getting money from them is already a good sign for SOMA
well, i asked this some posts before. does anyone have the name of those angel investors for me to look into this
i really would like to know, who they are...
Yea i second that I would also like to know the validity of this statement, that would be freaking awesome if it was true for sure!
Where did you find a reference for an angel investor. I only see that a number of tokens have already been sold, not that they've been sold to an angel investor. Maybe I missed the announcement somewhere?