Пришло письмо от команды проекта с предложением поучаствовать в пре-ICO. Как-то странно все это.
Ты уверен что ты получил письмо именно от них? лично мне ничего не приходило. да и в английском топике ничего об этом нашел
Источник: Spectiv VR
[email protected] через mail94.us4.mcsv.net
И вот содержание:
Spectiv Early Token Purchase Opportunity
We are sending this email to announce that we have launched a private opportunity for early supporters to purchase Signal Tokens. This opportunity is strictly limited to our current emailing list (as of 08/24/2017) and will require a minimum contribution of 20 ETH. Early supporters who participate in this sale will benefit from a 100% token bonus. The sale will be capped at 1250 ETH total.
This sale is not open to the public. We are extending this offer exclusively to our current email list - we will not accept contributions from outside of this group. Unfortunately, due to high demand, we must stipulate a minimum contribution of 20 ETH per participant. This is to limit the total number of participants to a small group that we can adequately communicate with through token redemption.
This early token purchase opportunity is not a crowdsale. This is a private engagement between Spectiv and a small number of selected token purchasers. In partnership with Sutton Stone, we have structured a process for supporters to contribute funds with an agreement for future tokens.
If you would like to apply to participate in the early token purchase opportunity, please fill out the form below:
https://goo.gl/forms/ZzOMrKnsTavPZAVg1 We will review your information and send you an email if you qualify. In this email, we will request your name/address for a routine OFAC check; this is to ensure that we don’t affiliate with any terrorist or narcotics trafficking groups. Additionally, this email will include a Simple Agreement for Future Token (SAFT) attachment which you must sign and send back to us. This document outlines Spectiv’s contractual obligation to provide future tokens to purchasers. Once we have finalized this process and archived your SAFT in our records, you will be able to make a contribution. We will not accept funds unless this process is completed. All information exchanged will remain strictly confidential and protected.
We will review applications on a rolling basis and accept qualified applicants for up to 1250 total ETH committed. Bear in mind: it is your responsibility to apply and correspond in a timely manner. All qualified applicants beyond the committed 1250 ETH will be placed on a waiting list. Selected purchasers will have 48 hours to send ETH from the time their SAFT is processed. In the case that commitments fall through, we will reach out to those on the waiting list. We will notify this email group once the sale is officially closed.
Please feel free to email us with any questions regarding the application process.
Spectiv Team