Iguana GUI Update #19I'm glad to announce that we are about to release another version of the GUI, yet still beta.
It took us more than two months to bring in new changes and features together, so now users will have an almost completed Iguana wallet. Why almost? Because the main features already work in the both modes (Iguana and coind) without detectable flaws and to make it complete we need to cover UX issues, such progress bars, additional confirmation or negative cases messages, and polish the flow of acquiring users from nonIguana wallets to Iguana (point-of-sales).
I have a big personal wish to start using Iguana as a multi-coin wallet for my crypto coins, as recently I have lost a sum using a competitive app because of a bug or fraudulent transaction. Let's consider it a cost of competitive market analysis), but that's not a great deal, as I gain much more.
So in this update, I will not disclose all the details of the release, as we are just a few bugs away to merge to the main repo and all information will be published in release notes by the mid of the next week. Now keep patient and read the brief summary for the latest period of progress since the last release.
1. UX/UI
- We upgraded create/login a wallet screens, gave them more neatness, user-friendliness and sexiness.
- Made Iguana responsible for mobile, tablet, and full desktop screens sizes.
- Added new features with some awesome UX solution, that cuts users efforts to one or two clicks.
2. Features
- As Full Nodes require from users some pre-setting tweaks, we added simple onboarding\getting started guide, which will be improved to prevent all possible risks of users refusals.
- Added Terms of Use disclaimer. Despite Iguana is still in beta, from now on we are bearing the responsibility of users financial risks.
- Implemented unique fee settings feature with dynamic values.
- Injected interactive animations for processing and updates, though many cooler GUI processing and UX animations are in the pipeline.
3. Extra
- More coins to be supported.
- More fiats as a reference currency.
- More negative use cases covered.
- Applied unit tests and performed partially automated tests, thus detected bugs and closed them.
- Implement Gulp for build automation for Angular.
- Reviewed and closed security issues.
4. Applications
- There are also few bugs left to have Windows, Mac and Linux applications released. If the guys kill the bugs by the time we close the final issues, the release will - contain desktop applications.
- Chrome app is published for inner testing and will not be released this time, as we need to make 100% sure all security issues related to Chrome sensitiveness are covered.
5. Next
- Tasks for 0.3 are already in design and coding phases.
- The specification is being updated with recent changes since the last time of creation in Autumn.
- The roadmap is being designed along with my requirements gathering for already stated features. Doing it parallels.
- EasyDex integration into Iguana platform has started and will be at full speed once we have desktop application stable.
Confused about the GUIs?We have two separate GUI projects: 1) Iguana multiwallet GUI, 2) EasyDEX GUI
Together we refer to them as Iguana desktop app, or simply Iguana.
The Iguana desktop app is the easy installer built with
Electron. It still have few bugs so we haven't published it publicly. From the desktop app you can launch both the multiwallet and EasyDEX. Inside EasyDEX you can access full native Komodo wallet where you can do private transactions too. The multiwallet supports only transparent transactions.
The future plan is to integrate these two GUI projects together, but for now they are somewhat separate things.
We are very much looking forward to that day when we can share the easy GUI installers with you guys! Shouldn't take too long!