Krosscoin (KSS) (Updated Announcement: August 26, 2017)
Krosscoin - A cross-platform app monetization platform (Rebranding)
KSS introduces a consumption-based token framework that allows application developers to monetize any functional component. Traditional subscription-based licensing limits user adoption while freemium models require an ever expanding set of micro-transactions. Consumption-based removes the adoption obstacles inherent in monthly subscriptions while freeing the developer to focus on application functionality. With KSS, monetization increases alongside usage, incentivizing application developers to create a compelling user experience. In addition to providing the underlying platform for any application developer to utilize, Krosscoin as a business is also actively developing mobile applications that natively utilize the KSS currency.
Website Krosscoin is moving to Ethereum blockchain.
TOKEN SWAP INFORMATIONHi Everyone, Krosscoin is moving completely to Ethereum Blockchain. We are preparing to ICO and our being already traded on the Waves dex will be a problem. We are conducting a token swap after the ICO on ethereum blockchain. In the meantime, do the following steps:
1. Go to and get an ethereum address (enter password and click on ‘’create new address’’). Don’t forget to save your password, private key, and address in a safe place.
2. Send your krosscoins to this waves address : 3PFbrG9RyqppN6sisdjHkCBVFKFytA8A61p
Before you send, type in your ethereum smart contract address (the one you just got on myetherwallet) in the attachment, then click send. Remember to send, it costs you 0.001 waves.
3. Ethereum Krosscoins will be sent to your ethereum address after our ICO at a swap ratio to be announced later.
4. Deadline to send your waves krosscoins to the above waves address is September 7th, 2017. (Swap ratio was 10 KSS-WAVES to 1 KSS-ETH)
5. You can start sending from today. DO NOT FORGET to add your ethereum address in the email when sending your krosscoins.
6. If you have any questions or concerns, email us at
[email protected]7. Again, DO NOT FORGET to add your ethereum address in the attachment when sending your krosscoins.
8. Lastly, send the full TX ID and your myetherwallet address or Metamask address to
[email protected] . Cheers
9. After Sept. 7th, 2017, the swap rate is 1000 KSS-WAVES to I KSS-ETH. All swaps ends on November 30th 11:59pm Newyork time. Aftet which kss-waves will be completely unrelated to this project
Twitter: this is a great news by waves platform...i have 1k kross coin on my waves wallet and next i have 100 kss on my ether glad to hear that.very glad and very thanks for the news ^^