to answer these question I've calculated on base of the Net hash and the mining results for litecoin.
every day we have 24 * 60 * 4 * 4 = 23040 Coins to share to the nethash, so wie can calculate how many coin a miner with his hash get when the nethash increase
at 1 GH/s nethash I get with 700 KH/s about 16 LPC a day... with the same hash I can mine 0,179 Litecoins a day, worth 4,72 $ today... so one LPC must have a value from 0,29 $ to have a similar mining result to litecoins....
so we get an table for a fair price on base of the nethash
Nethash GH/s | $ per LPC |
1 | 0,29 |
3 | 0,88 |
5 | 1,47 |
10 | 2,93 |
15 | 4,40 |
20 | 5,87 |
50 | 14,66 |
100 | 29,33 |
when we look what nethash a coin get after it hit an exchange, Doge has now over 50 GH/s, EAC is about 5GH/s, so I think we can get min. 5 - 10 GH/s nethash, and so a price from 1 - 3 $ is a fair price for one LPC...
what do you think?
I think You are right but without proper exchange, we won't get more hashrate, the more time it takes, the more difficult it is to get people mining it, cause everyone thinks it's "too late". People are used to insta-mine this kind of coins,but this one is different, under radar, underground one, which is great, but without support for English community, it will die..simple as that