Notable contributions to the LISK network should be rewarded by the LISK team imho. Otherwise only delegates would be interested in doing anything for LISK and we have to think about much bigger audience here.
No, Lisk is a decentralized blockchain. The decentralized community should reward contributing delegates by voting for them. That's the idea behind DPoS. A centralized entity should not be needed to reward these delegates.
I decided to not give 25% to my voters, but to donate those 25% to contributing people and great projects. Every voter who says this is greedy is just greedy himselve. He prefers his own personal profit over the benefit for the whole Lisk ecosystem.
If all those percentages shared to voters would be invested into great Lisk projects and into people organizing meetups, creating tools, fixing bugs instead, we could be already at twice or three times the price we are now. And everybody who owns LSK would profit much more from higher prices than from a few single LSK payed out because of voting. Think in long term, not short term to get big rewards!
So, .cryptic. tell me who is greedy here:
1) the delegates spending 25% to people contributing to Lisk and promising projects,
2) voters who try to get higher rewards by doing absolutely NOTHING for Lisk
>> voters who try to get higher rewards by doing absolutely NOTHING for Lisk
You are wrong. LISK holder supports LISK market value by buying and holding LSK. Without them, LSK is a SELL.
>> the delegates spending 25% to people contributing to Lisk and promising projects,
Where is the report? How do you know which projects are promising? Your friend's projects? Or USD 200 freelance projects? Don't tell me that you are writing some line of codes, fixing some typos and ask community for paying you USD 6000 per month forever. It is too greedy.
Please don't act as if you were sole contributor to LISK project. Everyone here is contributing to LISK project in different ways.
I strongly support active contributors to LISK and prefer voting them over profit sharing only delegates. However, let be transparent, fair and accountable. Don't be too greedy and see voters as idiots
Dear voters,
Let raise your voice and ask delegates for increasing their profit sharing ratio to at least 50% and consider unvoting the following delegates
+ corsaro: 10% share only
+ tembo: 15% share only
+ mrv: 5% share only
+ redsn0w: 10% share only
+ splatters: 10% share only
+ joel: 15%
+ dakk: 15%
+ 0%
+ cc001: 0%
+ digitron: 0%
+ hmachado: 0%
+ grumlin: 0%
+ goldeneye: 0%
+ liskgate: 0%
+ punkrock: 0%
+ gr33ndrag0n: 0%
It is a waste of money and time to vote for delegates that share nothing to voters. It is simply too greedy
All of them are from GDTPool
Also, vote for techbytes because he shares 90% reward
https://lisk.cryptopools.comDelegate owners please contact owner to update your profit sharing ratio
Your numbers are wrong. Your accusations that we don't contribute are also wrong.
Look at this and then tell me again, I am not contributing.