Why you guys are not 2 nice lads which are starting to make nice catfight in mud... why....
http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQO-9mbPfac3qu8pHZhzRA0jX4rwvsiaGuuTBL8faYk97hx9YumEvery one is getting own toys and going to own sandbox. In the end community will decide who made better sandcastle.
I wanted to say "my 2 cents" but here is more of my thoughts.
Now I'm sitting in mamm "sandbox" but I'm also thankful to XC dev for nice coin which gave me an oportunity to make first nice gain. He shows that DRK was wrong with their annonymity... Earlier DRK was superor to BTC.
Maybe now is time for next coin? Cryptoworld now looks like ancient ocean where first form of life are showing. I'm very courious what will evolve.
Mamm dev I can understand your approach. Sometimes when people reaching their limit see world covered only in shit. Dont forget that in the world are people who wearing pink glasses and following blindly after their "god" - IMO every kind of fanaticsm is bad. Instead of putting flames in their temples make your plan, show it and go through it. Just mark tickboxes when something has been done. If others will see success rate will follow after you. For now you have points like: smooth start, superblocks, coop with sc, implementing supersend, worldwide spread nodes (I checked all IPs of nodes and they are everywhere) and new comming decentralised functionality. Just make a draft like SC have and kick it in to OP and in to website.
Poke also some crypto portals to make article not only about MAMM and SC. It will be good to see opinion made by someone who is out of the box. Now we have new wallet test so its good oportunity for redactors to take a taste of new functionality. In the beginning I wanted to be in group of testers but after 2nd thought I resigned - I dont want to be subiective observator because I've some of them so I leaved place for someone else which is courious of this coin and has better development skills to judge on quality of this coin.
You are in quite worser situation even if Mamm is with new tech faster than Supercoin - those coins are too simmilar to eachother even if their sharing very good tech. Ok. You've different goal - fighting for animal rights so you need to build even short term draft of plan. After fulfilling the little plan you will reach more trust and more followers. Step by step, to the moon