are you working on a solution so people that runs windows wallet also can run masternode and not only linux users?
You can already run a masternode while using windows via a vps and via a virtual machine.
Moreover, desper123 gave a method tu run sentinel on windows :
Installing Sentinel on Windows
It is assumed that the first steps for installing the masternode have already been completed before installing Sentinel.
Download and install Python 2.7.x from here C: \ Python27 and C: \ Python27 \ Scripts to the PATH environment variable. (System Properties -> Environment Variables)
Install PIP -
For this you need to download and run python in the same directory.
Other ways to install PIP on Windows: http: // stackoverflow ... pip-on-windows
Install Virtualenv by running pip install virtualenv
Download the sent and unzip to the directory C: \ sentinel (you can specify another, but for example here it will be this one)
We execute in the directory C: \ sentinel
virtualenv venv
venv \ Scripts \ pip install -r requirements.txt
Editing sentinel.conf by specifying the path to monacoCoin.conf in the monacoCoin_conf parameter.
Create a C: \ sentinel \ sentinel.bat file with the following content:
@echo off
set HOME =.
cd C: \ sentinel
C: \ sentinel \ venv \ Scripts \ python C: \ sentinel \ bin \
Create a C: \ sentinel \ sentinel.vbs file with the following content:
Install WshShell = CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run chr (34) & "C: \ sentinel \ sentinel.bat" & Chr (34), 0
Install WshShell = Nothing
This intermediate vbs-script is needed in order to not open the console window when executing through the task scheduler.
We add the action C: \ sentinel \ sentinel.vbs to the task scheduler (Control Panel -> Administration -> Task Scheduler -> Create Task ...)
Trigger indicate "Daily", repeat the task 1 min.
Launch the Coin.
Who do not mind throwing a couple of coins for setting, my wallet MQfTBAzLpUWhPGsG7K6dSYTkfZju61Sa8GSo normally, you can run a masternode on windows even without VPS or Virtual machine.
A tutorial will be made later.