Maxkeiser stay away from this place, they use MAX notoriety to trap users on mcxFEE, Mincoin and SolidCoin. Beware.
Its an Hazard article...
Interesting but a "lol" is not enough, elaborate. I don't know the Hazard guy, but with what i saw with my own eyes, i trust him.
Funny you have nothing to say about what i posted "they use MAX notoriety to trap users on mcxFEE, Mincoin and SolidCoin".
Anyway they are warned, up to them now.
I really dont wanna get into an pissing contest/user bashing. I've been in brawls with Hazard before back when he were attacking Feathercoin, its the kind of troll bashing that leads to nowhere except frustration.
(the whole thread had to be edited by admins at the end...)
I have better things to spend my energy on. My point is that i take his articles with not only an pinch of salt but more like an handfull.
He is not inpartial in matters of dicussing coins, cause he self has created a shitload. Not an quality i look for when reading newsarticles about crypto. I prefer them beeing independent and uninfluenced by own gains.
Earlier articles has also been pointed out wrong info/pure lies, without them beeing corrected. user input if i recall correctly where deleted.