2.8mhs seems extremely low.. why is this so expensive, Im so confused
that is scrypt.. scrypt, SHA-2 (Sha 256) and Sha-3 (Keccak) are completely different hashing Algorythms....
scrypt is nearly 1000 times slower than SHA 256
and about 500 times slower than SHA-3 Keccak..
people who want to know how many coins they can make really need to read about and understand hashing ....
and also network difficulty..
nobody can say how many coins you will make because the rate changes every 30 seconds...
for example.. the morning you could be mining 1 per hour and by night you could be mining only .5 per hour..
the coin generation system of MAXcoins (and all other altcoins that use PoW) is as fluid and dynamic as the price..